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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

Everybody is doing such a good job with their purging.  I have been sluggish with mine lately.  I have many clothes that ordinarily would just go but just not ready to part with them.  Some discussion on here about being more thoughtful about purging items as quality is lower now and cost keeps rising that I am re-thinking what to purge.  Items I used to let go without any thought, I am now thinking it may not be to my advantage to be so cavalier about purging them.


Also I am sticking to my plan to try everything on rather than just eyeballing it, but it has been so hot that is an effort.  Excuses, Excuses.


But I have managed since my last report to dispose of 8 pants, 1 jacket, 5 tops and 1 sweater.


Yesterday was the day for the house cleaner and she and I were planning to start working on transferring summer to fall/winter clothes, but I had a doctors appointment so the clothes transfer is now scheduled for her next visit as I do need help with this job.  

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

I'm purging all the time. I keep a box in the garage every week and all week long I put in it what I don't need, what I'm not using and doesn't fit ( in clothing. On Saturday, it goes to the resale shop.
I'm working on minimalism. Only have what I need. I like this agenda. It's has also broken my useless spending.
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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?


No one got back to me from that assisted living for the dolls & tv, so I guess they'll be donated, and the tv possibly just recycled at our transfer station. Oh well. New tv is supposed to be ready for pick-up today.


Decided to finally purge a brand new "Inst-pot" I got as a gifted freebie at one of our casinos over a year ago, never gonna use that thing. I thought I would because I follow "FlavCity" on FB and he sometimes uses one for his recipes. But when I'm honest with everything the way I always have is fine with me. I don't need to speed up cooking soups, meats, and definitely not the dozen eggs at a time everyone talks about using them for. The proof to me is that I haven't even wanted to try it out in over a year. Not out the door yet, but I think I may just donate rather than wait for an appointment to consign!


Weather is cooler...time to go up into that outdoor storage. So far in my head, there's one of the 2 collectible dolls out there, an old painting, and not sure what else I'll let go of. It's mostly full of seasonal decor, and a few small boxes from mom's house, grandma's teacups etc. All my Christmas decorations, neatly boxed and organized, I'm keeping. 


I'm definitely going little by little these days....but more is going out than in, so, I guess that's something.


I just simply don't want things I don't love and use regularly anymore! The goal is to have a functioning, orgainized, pretty home full of things currently serving my life...which I feel I'm doing pretty well. Still  sentimental, and seasonal things in storage, but even that is curated down. I always review to see if I can whittle it down more. 


That's all for now~Have a good weekend all!



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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

Back out to the garage.

Spent over an hour going through things. Topped off the recycling bin before the contents were collected and filled a bag for trash. Satisfied with how things look for now. The largest box will have to stay for a while. It contains several coats for donation. Also holding on to clothes for consignment as the store is moving soon (?). 

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

I have 3 pairs of winter shoes, new in box, ready to take to consignment.  But.......I also bought 3 new pairs of Birkenstock clogs so no progress there.


Purses and shoes remain my problem area. In terms of I take some to consign but then I buy a few more pairs.  I mean they all fit in the areas I have designated for them but they are a weakness for me.  But that is ok as long as it's the only 2 areas where I feel I have excess. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

Donated a pile of clothing.


Two houseplants went to the compost heap (so I didn't really lose them).  I'm an avid plant person but I can get carried away.  The time I spend watering and tending needs re-examination, and honestly these two rex begonias are not on the list of my favorites, so out they go.


Here's a novel one:  I'm purging stale odors from the house today.  It's gorgeous here in the mid-Atlantic and I've got the windows open for a change.  I'm actually enjoying the sound of lawn movers.


I'm painting the bedroom so this will be another opportunity to evaluate the necessity of things (as I move stuff to paint).

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

@Sooner wrote:

I am donating 20 pairs of pants moved 6 years ago and because of health and family issues and weight loss, not touched until today!  Great pants, someone will be thrilled to get them--some new.  


I have dreaded this for yeas and it's done.  Got rid of about 8 boxes of things today.  Donated, put where they need to be or moved downstairs for fall.  

@Sooner - How nice for you to have that done! You must feel so much lighter not having that hanging over your head anymore! 

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

@queendiva - You have been busy! Good job!

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

Four books and three boxed sets of videos  about meer cats were brought to the Library for the book store.

However, I also bought 6 books, so maybe the donations might not

I find it hard, really hard, to pass by a good book, esp on sale.

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

[ Edited ]

Happy Sunday, peeps~finally some gorgeous weather here in CT ~ sunny with no humidity! Typical, great Sept. weather. 


Dropped the old tv at Goodwill yesterday~glad they took it (as long as it's a flat screen they said.)

That was all I dropped off because it was already in the car...glad to have that done.


Contacted one of the consignments for the Insta-pot, they said they're interested, to "make an appointment" to review. Before going I'll make sure if there's anything else I might bring to them.


Have plans today so no outside storage purging going on yet, but this week the plan.... Smiley Happy


I LOVE the new tv....what was I waiting so long for! Got my money's worth out of the old one...18+ years. I remember when I bought it, my first flat screen at that time...they talked about the need for the extended warranty, because "tv's just weren't going to last like the old ones, 10 year average." Guess it beat that...was still going strong, just not a smart tv, so it was time.


That's all for today~Have a good Sunday!


ps. @Flatbush I understand about books...though, at least they have use & value. I got into reading real books again this summer, instead of on my kindle all the time! The old school way, borrowing from the library! And when we were in Cape Cod we went to the local summer book sale and got some great finds I'm also enjoying. I still have room for those few, and the library ones, of course, won't live here. Enjoy. 📚