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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?


When you think about donating that china, you might want to consider a local church that uses real plates and silverware for their dinners, or when they feed a church members family after a funeral service, etc.  


This area has a new business in town; rental space for special events.  I saw pictures of a bridal shower and the tables were set with 4 different patterns of beautiful old china that had been donated to the owner by people looking for a way to get rid of their china.  

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

Carted off more items-- candlesticks,  cast-off decor.  A series of French lessons on, get this, cassette tapes!  Blast from the past.  But you never know, some people have held on to cassette recorders.  Plus the package also had extensive French/ English dictionaries in it, which might make it more desirable.


The rest of my life, I'll just have to make it, somehow on my own, spotty high school French....


Today, at our library, found out that once the mid-June book sale is over, the library will start accepting books for donation again, which is great.  All through Covid, I think, they had stopped accepting them, and I had to take some to the next town.  But I still have some un-needed books lurking around here in odd corners, and it will be more convenient to donate them locally, so yay.   

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

@FatCatinCT - It sounds like you are doing great, thanks for checking in! It is definitely a never ending process isn't it? 


Good luck on your community sale! 

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

@Oznell - I don't have a cassette recorder anymore, but I do have cassette players! I don't know how well they work, haven't tried them in a while, but I have them!

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

I tossed a dirty plastic shoe rack from the garage. Only the top layer of it got used for boots so I figured we could just set those on the floor and toss the rack. I did not feel like trying to clean it. Our driveway is dirt with a little gravel and everything in our garage gets so filthy.


Tossed an expired face serum I had only used about 1/4 of it, pair of undies with holes, a jammed stapler that didn't work and my kid got rid of 2 broken arrows from his bow. 


I did decide to keep one bag that I had set aside to donate. You know, "just in case". And this is part of my problem. 

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

[ Edited ]

Hello ladies!  I did manage to make my Friday drop off at S.A. Not much but several small boxes of those odd items.  Also remember to not forget the box of new socks I never used LOL!  


So far I have only added a few more tops to my new pile for donation.  Slowly trying on and adding in more from my spring/summer clothes.  


I broke my rule not to buy a "nic nak" on Saturday!  BUT I have changed my mind and it will be returned no later then Friday!!  After I did it I thought what in the world are you doing buying that LOL Woman LOL  So it will be returned asap!  


My goal is to only keep what I use and love and this was a impulse buy.  I need to figure out what to do about my china set.  I have 3 sons and they don't want it LOL!  My niece did want some china  and took my Grandma's set (bless her heart for that) but the younger generations just don't want it.  HECK I don't even use it!  I have made us all eat on it but it's a pita.  It gets dusty and you must put it in dishwasher then eat on it and do again.


The truth is I have purchased over the years other sets of dishes that we use.  I do wish I could just give it to someone that wanted it.  I will hang on to it longer.  Will see if any church or charity in the area might want it.

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

The past 10 days i have purged 3 pendants, 3 necklaces, 2 tops and a box full of barretts (approximately 35 pair.)


My big purge was 24 more pair of shoes.  I have purged previously all my beloved higher heels shoes and kept those 2 inch and under.  Well, I have now decided I will not be wearing any of those plus others I consider myself to be unstable in (slides, etc.)  After my fall a couple of weeks ago (shoes had nothing to do with it) but I feel unstable so many shoes I haven't worn and probably never will have been purged this week.  


The bad thing is I still have about 130 pair of shoes.

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

2 purses pulled out and ready to go to consignment when they open tomorrow. Also, several packages of paper cocktail napkins. Love my consignment store. She will sell just about everything.


Also found 2 small things for Goodwill so I started a bag for them.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

I just had about 6 small boxes of clothing, housewares go to donation.  They picked it up this morning.  Now I can start on another "pile".  I wish I could be more ruthless with getting rid of things but I when I'm on the fence, I keep it.

Anyway, small steps.  I will get there.  


I watched Marie Kondo's show yesterday and it got me organizing my mbr closet according to color.  I wish she had more practical tips in the show, so much is the backstory.  

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Re: Declutter 2023: What have you purged today?

Finally----got rid of a jewelry armoire that my obnoxious ex gave me years ago--took the stupid thing apart as it was a little heavy as a whole and tossed it in my apartment buildings compactor. Still have a few pieces left to go,  but for the most part it is a goner!!! Am wiping that man right outta my hair!!!! Woman Tongue