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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Each day I read FB postings by Dan Wheeler.  It sounds as if his wife's condition is very grave.  I feel so sad for the family.  My family went something similar to that when Mom had cancer.  Although I do not know the family, I feel such heartbreak.  I send my prayers and hope that there is a turnaround for her.

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Posts: 751
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Thank you QVCPhobe, for bringing this to our attention. I'm so saddened to hear that Dan's wife is not doing better. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to Beth, Dan and their family. I pray that she has a turnaround.


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Registered: ‎08-09-2010

Every day , I too have been checking on Dan and his dear wife Beth , via facebook . Things are extremely grave at this time . Dan sure needs prayers and the support of everyone around him .  He and Beth have a beautiful family . He is such a good husband . 

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Our thoughts and prayers are with Dan, his children and those precious grandchildren this evening. Our Lord called Beth home today. God be with all of them.


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I'm so sorry. Dan & his family are in my thoughts and prayers. 

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Registered: ‎04-14-2013

Dan, Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family..  Although grieving is made a bit easier as you share memories and love with your children and family, you grieve in a very private way as the one who was Beth's dearest and nearest love.  Thankfully, as your strong faith is in God, you can know that you grieve not as those who have no hope.  But your hope is in God, and the fact that you will see Beth again some day in your eternal home can be your greatest comfort.  As the very difficult time of holidays approach, may God give grace and comfort, peace that passes all understanding, and an awareness of the comforting arms of Christ holding you close as you absorb His comfort from His Word.  We will all be glad to see you when you are ready to return, but in the meantime, know that we all hold you close in thought and care.   Linda

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Registered: ‎03-15-2015

To Dan Wheeler and family, I am so sorry to hear that your wife passed away. Cancer and the treatment for it is so difficult to go through. One minute, you hear good news, the next, it is bad news, like being on a roller coaster. Your devotion to Beth was evident whenever you spoke about her on your shows. I hope your faith in God and your deep love for Beth help to get you through this difficult time. I lost my dad to cancer 13 years ago. Time passes and you get used to the loss, but you never get over it. My deepest sympathy to you, Debbie Hopp