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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

WADR @lolakimono it isn’t a convent. Once the community of nuns left, it became a building. 


Yes, I could live in this building. 

Keepin' it real.
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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

YES! With 1 caveat - how cold it it in winter? Heating could be an issue for me.

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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

Beautiful,just beautiful...................


.I almost was a nun in a  but on the day I was to enter,I panicked and ran away............... I guess God had other plans for me.

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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

This one I could!  I would have to have a housekeeper.  I just love these old buildings.  They have such wonderful stories to tell.

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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

Sure, as l g as there isn’t anyone buried under the entryway. 😉

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Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

[ Edited ]

This one, easily with joy.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

Not if the nuns were still there! Smiley Wink

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Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Re: Could You Live in a Convent?

Sure, if it was completely re-done w/heat, AC, and all the amenities.......oh yes, maids and a gardener Smiley Happy  I think it's beautiful.