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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

Only if it was near the California coast....but the Coastal Commission won't let them build that high near the beach...




Well, in SoCal, there are highrises in Westwood on the Wilshire Corridor ... not that tall, but up to 25 floors, I believe.

@Tinkrbl44   Lived in Santa Monica for 25 years.    At that time, the height limit was 5 or 6 stories (West of Lincoln).   The old General Telephone Company building on SM Blvd had a "grandfather" exemption.     

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

No way.  I love a good view from a lower viewpoint.  Not that high for me! 

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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

No...I would not live in New York City.

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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

Way too high up for me. No way. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

NO!  I don't like heights. Would prefer to keep my feet on solid ground!


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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

We like our house and where we live.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

No I couldn’t. I feel dizzy just looking at the pictures. Terrified of heights.

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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

I'm on the 23rd floor of our condo and that's a bit too high for me.  I can't imagine how much time would be spent on the elevators and if there is ever a problem, I don't even want to think about it.


I worked on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center in the mid 1980s and got stuck on the elevator one day.  The next day I quit my job--LOL!!



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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

Beautiful apartment, but the height would freak me out.

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Re: Could You Live Here. . .

Nothing about it would make me happy.