We lost the sofas in the flood so we moved our 20 year old living room furniture down here. The bottom of all the shelves got wet so the black DVD/CD cabinet is new. The desk was restored & saved.
It looks so nice. I'd just love having all that space. Can you even imagine life without a basement? I've never lived in a place where people had them.
It looks so nice. I'd just love having all that space. Can you even imagine life without a basement? I've never lived in a place where people had them.
Every house I’ve lived in has had a basement so I don’t know if I could live without one now. When I lived in my 2 apartments I obviously didn’t have basements, but I had less stuff then! 😱
There are houses in my neighborhood and city that are slab houses w/o basements. It just depends on the builder and area I guess. One sibling owns a house w/o a basement. My other 2 siblings have basements. We all live within 10 miles of each other.
Getting a basement to NOT have a basement look or feel is a challenge and you have done a very good job making it look light and airy and comfortable. Great place to "hang out."