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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

[ Edited ]

I guess right now, I don't want to think about it. 



There's an article on the net somewhere I just read today and the first half of your life you collect and the second half of your life you try to get rid of everything you collected the first half.       

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

Yes. After having to clean out our childhood home and years later our fathers' apartment, I began to significantly remove stuff from our home.


It helped that we've moved several times in the past twelve years.

So with each move, more items would be sold or donated.

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?


i have a similar experience with my mother's possessions.  It was mind boggling and exhausting.  Many things meant something to us but she kept everything and we could not keep it all or even much of it.  


I do do not want to leave a mess like this for my kids.  I also look at the higher picture now.  Do we need all this STUFF?  No. i am trying to be more mindful of anything I purchase now.  

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

I've also read threads here that people are upset their families don't want their stuff or collections.  I think we all need to get out of that mindset.  It's all just things and they are not important.  It's the love and memories we leave behind that matter.

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

Yes, I am childless but do have 2 step children and several grandkids, also some nieces that I am close to....I have a printed inventory of all my jewelry, family furniture pieces, and anything else of value.  There is a photo attached and a description. 


This inventory is with my will and when I get older I will talk to one niece about dh's family things will stay with his kids, my things (not family antiques} can be divided up among my step kids and close family members.  I like to be prepared ha!

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

Over the past year I've been de-cluttering and giving away things I don't use to people who may want them.  We're in our 40s but realize we may have to move at some point soon due to DH's job.  Also have seen many situations to show that life can be taken at any time.  


I've been using my iPad to take photos of special things and upload them into a document where I can write a description including why it's important to me.  I tell the story about my first pair of diamond earrings my husband gave me our first Christmas as a married couple, about the sapphire ring he gave me the day our son was born (a September birthstone), my first gold bracelet I bought with my high school graduation money, etc.  For things I want my nieces and nephews to have some day, I've also written stories.  For example, I want my niece to have a crystal vase from Tiffany & Co. that her parents gave me when I graduated from college.  Don't know if any of these people will appreciate these descriptions about where I got them and how much they mean to me, but I sure have a fun time taking a trip down memory lane writing about it and reviewing my "digital scrapbook" from time to time.  😊

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

Yes, I have been very mindful of my earthly possessions after clearing the houses of my aunt and my grandmother.  


I have been in declutter mode for years, and at 61 probably have less clothing, shoes, makeup, handbags and jewelry than a teenager.   I have no interest in acquiring and surrounding myself with stuff.   

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

I love to collect pretty things but I have cut down on my collections


After a trip to Goodwill you will see what happens when you pass on - a few sentimental items are kept, most valuable items are sold, and the rest goes in a yard sale and then is junked at the thrift store -


I even see entire photo albums at the junk store - most people do not want your junk - even your kids

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Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

I had the same experience when my MIL passed away...i was the one to go through the house and her things...and it was kinda sad the things she saved that would end up being thrown away..............I learned the same thing as you...and try to minimize the things i keep ............i told my children i would never want them to have to go through so much "stuff" husband on the other hand...doesn't want to throw anything out...and i feel bad for the kids if they end up having to clear the house after him...............he believes that his children and grandchildren will love all his sentimental objects like his

little trophy's from when he was young, etc.  I know they have no interest.....................and the funny thing is when

his mom died and i was cleaning the house out....he really didn't have much interest in any of her stuff.....i thought he would learn from that...but no............haha.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

Re: Are you mindful of what will happen to your possessions when you pass on?

    DH & I are cleaning out some of our stuff because we want to tidy up.As far as going through everything so that my son won't have to someday that's not going to happen unless we move.We aren't about to move.

   My son is the sole inheritor of our estate.The least he could do is sort through it all. DH & I did that when our mothers passed away.