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I am the minority here.  Way too much going on. My eye can’t rest, so I wouldn’t find it relaxing.

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Valid point, you know, I'm actually a little bit there with you, @manny2 !    For my own personal taste, I tend to like just a little bit less visually going on too.


I can't quite describe my reaction.  For this house, with plenty of other sitting rooms underneath the attic "aerie", I don't quite mind that they amped up the antiques and curiosities, a bit, up here.   For myself, I'd have a little bit less, sure, but, on the other hand, I relish this overall "mood" of a Victorian study, with paisleys and curated objects, paintings and plinths.  I wonder if Sherlock Holmes could throw himself down on one of the couches, and work out the solution to a case...


The room suggests world travel, study, exoticism, and escape to another time and place, to me I guess-- something I wouldn't mind having, up in my attic...  But like you, I'd ideally prefer some 'editing', for myself.  



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I wonder how much money went into that hideaway.  Fussy but appealing.  

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@Enufstuff You're exactly right. Everything comes back around. My mom still has wallpaper, too, and I even still have some wallpaper border, which probably isn't back in style, but, oh, well...Smiley LOL 

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I love the exterior and the architecture of the room but I don't care for the decor whatsoever.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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The space is great, and I love the exterior, however it is a little too much for me, not relaxing enough, a little too much going on , I think for me.

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Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 6.10.25 PM.png



Nice room @Oznell .  Don't think I'd get much reading done as I think I'd be in an endless loop circling the room to sample the seating from every nook and conversation area trying to decide which one to settle in on.  And then I don't think I would stay long and would head down to the kitchen.


I like the way the sides of the chandelier slant outwards towards the top of the fixture, as a counter-balance to the sides of the room sloping inward towards the ceiling.  The chandelier sort of pushes back on the walls closing in.  


Among other things, also like the cameo/bas-relief art, the two plates that look like transferware displayed in front of the bookcase, the plinths, and the large gilt-framed painting and gold sconces and the molded wall that they are on.


I like the wallpaper for this room and think where the wallpaper is placed looks better than if those walls had been painted a solid color.


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Love your detailed observations, as usual, @QVCisFun .  That pendant light is striking, and the lines of it in relation to the architecture-- interesting! 

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[ Edited ]

I don't care for the decor in this reading room. I'm not a fan of the prints and there's too much clutter for me. The only pieces I like are the table in the center and the dark cabinet on the back wall. 

We use one of our bedrooms as a "book room". It contains two recliners with table and lamp, several bookshelves, stereo hi-fi, and my guitar. We listen to music, read, and I play my guitar in that room. 

Enjoy the weekend! 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Love the vibe of this space. Sure, there are things I'd change, but what a charming use of attic space. Very pleasing.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...