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Re: Valeries Plaid Pumpkins

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@mousiegirl wrote:

@itsmetoo wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@SHOPR wrote:

@mousiegirl, The annoying part for me is how Zulily places the same items in each sale they have.  If it doesn't sell out during its first 3 day listing, you can be sure it will show up in another "new today" selection, and another, and another.  So I guess there's really no accurate way that Zulily could sort specific items by newest anyway, because they keep returning again and again! 


I complain, I know, but I did finally spend my $30 credit, on the plaid pumpkins and a Blueberry Muffin Papa Jar candle by A Cheerful Giver.  ;-)







@SHOPR  Oh, now I get it.  Zulily probably is obligated to show items a certain amount of times.  Boy, I did some damage today, Christmas, of course.


I think I might have bought zulily's plaid pumpkins, except for the fact that I bought some sisal, I believe, and corduroy pumpkins last year, and bought some linen this year, so decided against buying them.


I stupidly did not pull the velvet pumpkins and what I mentioned out of the storeroom before I put the Christmas items in, so was not about to dig my way through by removing many items then having to put them back, so am making do only with a few new velvet pumpkins from Etsy, and whatever were in storage bins and closets, which is enough this year because I want to accomplish other things before Christmas this year.


I am going to decorate the living room and dining room very early, no one goes there until Christmas, so that will be out of the way.


I sprained my pinky finger a week ago, so am not able to garden for another week, hopefully I can get back to it next week as I have to finish potting daylilies and irises, normally that would have been finished last week.


My Fall decor will be finished soon.  I think my favorite part of Fall decorating are the floral arrangements I make, have six done and that will be it.




I hope you'll post pictures when you are done decorating. Would love to see your floral arrangements. 



@itsmetoo  I will, just waiting for some velvet pumpkins arrive, ordered some custom from Etsy as I wanted large deep purple, and couldn't find any.  Some say they are large at 6", but 10" is large to me, and up, but too large I can't use.


I love the colors you used for your pumpkins, so beautiful, and you should be proud of yourself. Smiley Happy


I agree, 6" isn't large at all.  I would like a couple bigger ones as well. In the second picture I posted they turned out really tiny but I like them.  I think I used a salad plate on those.  I'm really looking forward to your pictures.


Thank you for the kind words!  The funny thing is, that's all the material I could find locally and I didn't care for the colors at all (other than the gold).  But it seemed to work out ok.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Marsha2003 wrote:

@odie96 wrote:

I think your arrangement is beautiful! I'd like to do the same with my VPH pumpkins, but my room is a little dark and for them to stand out I'd have to place something behind them for them to pop. Any suggestions???? Ladies????

@odie96  Do you have a plate or platter and stand that you could use behind your pumpkins?


Maybe something like this?


Oooh! Double hearts! I have something similar but with a colorful turkey. I think I have to copy that idea.

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Registered: ‎08-09-2018

Marsha 3000 That's a great idea and I have a platter almost exactly like that. It belonged to my Mother. Thank you!!