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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Valerie's Carolers in Sleigh

I"ve always admired the various carolers by VPH. A number of years ago, I bought my mom the more traditional set that stands on a wood base with the lamp post attached. I love the look of it and the style and colors, and there is nice detail. But, in reality, they are cheaply made and not top notch quality. From the distance they are very nice and set the right period we were looking for, but not high quality.


I've always liked the sleigh, but I think the materials used for it look kind of cheap and it would bother me. Actually most groupings that she does with a sleigh fall just a bit short for me. There is always something in the design that I find lacking. 


In general I love the style of her caroler line, and would like to see more traditional type decor from her.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,098
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Valerie's Carolers in Sleigh

received the sleigh and not sure what I think right now .  I noticed that there are some minor flaws ,  painting not great on the sleigh , the silver quilted part is not just silver it has what resembles sponge likepaintingnof black over it all over ,  should have left it silver .  Had to adjust the Carolers as some were leaning forward or there clothing was disheveled,  which wasn't hard to fix.   The braiding around edge of sleigh only had silver on the back part , front left a light brown which I could touch up with silver metallic paint that I have .  None of these things are a very big deal overall the presence is beautiful !!  Fits with my white winter theme in the room it's in.  If I had to pay the original price I would have passed the Black Friday price was what prompted me to purchase.