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Re: Valerie's CIJ Shows 7/1/2017

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Spurt  A feral came to my previous house, and it took a few years of patience on my part, but eventually he joined my family of cats and slept on the bed with us.


One night, he didn't come in with the rest for dinner, still light outside, and I called and called.  Hours later, I heard an awful screaming outside, sounded as if a cat was being ripped to shreds, and I was distraught, calling his name.  I called the Humane Society and after describing what I had heard, was assured that it was two raccoons fighting as it was the mating season.  Later on, my cat showed up. Smiley Happy


During my rescue years, I rescued two cat families with newborn kittens, so they came to my home, here, while a nonprofit cat adoption place looked for homes.  I was able to tame the kittens by letting them run all over me and handling them, though at first, when I would reach for them, they would run.  While they were still nursing, the mom cat reinforced her cautious behavior, but she eventually tamed, though the other mom cat never did, and went to live with the neighbor behind me.


In the end, I kept all of one litter and the mom, and two from the second litter, black kittens that no one wanted.


I could write a book. Smiley Happy



Thank you for sharing those wonderful heart warming stories!!!   You really showed a lot of patience and caring to win the ferals over.  Cat Very HappyHeartHeartHeart


I'm glad your cat showed up safe and that noise you heard was just the Racoons...........!!!!!  Sounds like you've had some very interesting experiences with cats.


It's strange how some ferals can become lap cats with a lot of patience that is, and some can even be a bit friendly if they had human contact when young, but some are just plain stubborn.   Two of the ferals here a neighbor used a loving trap to capture them and have them spayed/neutered, and after that experience they became even more cautious....It was winter and one of the neighbors put out a box with an old flannel shirt and some food and water since it was to be an especially cold night, do you know those ferals sniffed the box (they smelled the food) but wouldnt go in that box....I guess they thought they would be captured again........and they have been real skiddish.  The neighbor that did the kindness has moved, and I am a bit worried about the ferals since one of them is getting old and may need additional care, but you cant get near him.............


Take Care


@Spurt  The feral at the other house who we brought here when we moved, was holding his paw up, so I had to trap him, what an experience, and take him to a vet for the injury and to be spayed and given shots.  When I brought him home, still wasn't tamed, he left and I didn't see him for three days, then on the fourth day, he returned and stayed forever. Smiley Happy



Im so happy to hear that the kitty came back to you and stayed forever, he must've sensed your love................Heart

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”