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@maggie100 - So you were also sick of QVC selling "every cosmetic" out there and figured they should just declare bankruptcy and get it over with.


And you don't want them selling any more throws and accuse their hosts of having no pride - for doing their jobs.


So, in the interest of constructive criticism, rather than simply complaining:  just what do you think they should sell?  Perhaps a letter to corporate would be a good idea?


You might have some ideas that could pull them back from the brink of "bankruptcy".  I'm sure they'd be happy to hear something positive from a longtime customer.

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@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

If you really have this strong of a reaction perhaps you would benefit to take a break from shopping tv and even seek some wellness guidance.

@LizzieInSRQ - I have to agree.  Anyone so severely affected by a shopping channel's offerings that is made sick or driven to the point of screaming, really needs to get some help.  For his or her own well-being.

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Most of my throws are old Vera Bradley purchases.  The older ones were printed on both sides and super soft.  I still love a good throw, but never tried a DB throw.  My sister bought us both a cuddle duds throw one year from Kohls, it's great quality also, super soft and washes well.  I love to travel with them (car travel) usually prefer them over hotel blankets.  

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I look forward to the beginning of "Throw Season" each year. I love them and have them in each bedroom and a few in my living spaces. I can't help but buy at least one each year, adding to my collection. I've never donated them to our animal shelter because I wondered, with the washing/drying instructions, it would be too much for them to keep laundered. Thoughts on this one?


I don't like any with prints. I got one for my retirement that's the best quality and the softest one of any of my Berkshires. Drawback is that it's printed, a geometric print that's not awful but nothing like I would buy.


Keep patient, all those presentations will be over in a week.

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Well this thread was an eye opener for me.  Every time another throw comes on I think "not another one".  I do not use throws and don't want to walk around wrapped in one. 


I didn't realize how many people used them or collected them.  However, I do think some responses were rude.  She was using the words "I'll  scream" as an exaggeration.  I think telling her she needs wellness guidance inappropriate.

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I for one like throws. I have many, and I like to change them around. If I see another computer or tablet as a TSV, I'll scream! 

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It's true, people love them!  I actually have several and use them all the time in different areas of the house.  I buy a new one each year for my adult kids (and their pets) as part of their Christmas presents,  as they do tend to wear out with the fur babies and laundering.    I get the OP though, honestly sometimes I could scream if I see another vacuum or laptop!  LOL

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Registered: ‎04-01-2023
I have alot of Berkshire throws around the house. My opinion they're very warm and comforting. I don't really need any more. Holiday gifting is probably the reason for so many this time of year.
I don't really want to see someone's tattoo to entice me into buying an angel throw though. I'm good.