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Re: So excited - my great finds at Estate Sale🎄

What a score!


Those are so expensive in many areas, and not all that easy to find complete like that, for such a great price. 


It's beautiful too!


As usual, I have a story to share about ceramic trees. 


I grew up in the era where people made these, and back in the day where everyone we knew had very few holiday decorations (like one small box full and the house was decorated in 10 minutes! lol). 


My mom thought they were tacky, she wasn't crafty so never made one, and we never had one. Other people we knew did, and honestly many of them were tacky. So I grew up really not much liking them. 


Fast forward to my early 20's and my husband at the time had one made for my be a lady he worked with, It is a beautiful shade of green, the tree has much more detail than many I see, it has a music box in the base as well as the light, and she put in holly leaves in place of the bulbs, with tiny red centers. 


Well I really liked it from the start, and I thought it would be the only one I ever liked. Still use it today and my son always loved to set it up when he was a child, and put the pieces in 


Fast forward again, to my son being about 14, and working in an auction house on the weekends. For Christmas that year, I opened a 'new' ceramic tree from him. Done in a while pearl/opal finish, with bright red 'bulbs'. It was one of those moments a mom has to fake. 


You love your kid, you love their thought (he obviously connected it to how much we loved my original), but the gift is so not 'you'. 


Well, I put it in the dining room, front and center, and looked at it lit and glowing in all it's 'redness' (I just don't do much red, even at Christmas back then), wondering silently how many years I'd have to find a place for it before he'd forget about it. I even tried to remove the bulbs to get another color more suited to my style, but they were glued in.


After I packed it up for the season, I thought about it over the year, and it was kind of growing on me. I ended up buying some beautiful and elegant cardinal platters on after Christmas clearance, and some other red and white based things, and ever since, my dining room holiday decor has been built around that tree, and I love how it all turned out......including the tree. 


It has now made the 'short' list of things I wouldn't part with, or try to load up in an evacuation situation, so as not to loose it in a disaster. 


So these darn trees, started out as a tacky mess to me, and now I just about fall in love with every one I see! LOL 


Must be getting old.

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Re: So excited - my great finds at Estate Sale🎄

@homedecor1 I have a similar tree that was a $3 or $5 garage sale find,  except yours has many more lights!  I love mine and I just know you'll love yours.  
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Re: So excited - my great finds at Estate Sale🎄

Love the ceramic tree, no matter the age. Nice find!  The Longaberger baskets...not so much. Come to my house, and you can have all my L baskets for free.  I’m from Ohio, not too far from where those baskets were made. The company went under pretty fast when collectibles of any kind became unpopular. Younger people today seem to spend their disposable income on entertainment and electronics, not on collectibles. As for me, I’ll sit here and enjoy looking at my Lladro curio cabinet and my antique teddy bears. Enjoy the holidays!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: So excited - my great finds at Estate Sale🎄

The ceramic trees seem to be having their second act! I always kind of liked them and purchased one several years ago after Christmas on clearance at KMart.

Not sure where I can display it in my smaller home. Maybe in the kitchen as I already have a big tree in the LR and a medium-sized one in the dining room.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: So excited - my great finds at Estate Sale🎄

That was an awesome find! It took me back to my childhood. I enjoy estate sales because you ALWAYS find unique, vintage treasures. The price is phenomenal! Congrats!!!



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Registered: ‎05-27-2015

Re: So excited - my great finds at Estate Sale🎄

@Mominohio  I just read your story about your "tacky" ceramic tree. How wonderful of you to figure out how to give it the setting it needed, so it conveyed the loving message from your son! Years ago, I used to hide some of my kid's crafty Christmas ornaments in the back of the tree - especially that yellow and orange cross with a black Halloween cat pasted to it. Now I proudly display them front center! Over the years, the cat has somehow disappeared.