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Registered: ‎09-28-2016

Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

I was going to order the 23” inch Mr. Christmas tree.  We have a second home in the mountains and I thought this would be perfect for the holidays. I  can’t have a real tree because we’re not there on a full time basis.  Guess I didn’t act quick enough because now it is unavailable.  Jayne said this was the only order of the season.  I wonder if they will bring more in since it sold out so quickly.  I’m considering the 17”.  I can order two of them for the same price as the larger one.  Any thoughts by those who have the 17” would be helpful!

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Re: Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

@westiedoglover ~ Keep checking back ~ sometimes items are placed in someone's shopping cart then they decide they don't want it and it goes back into stock.  Also, people cancel orders all the time ~ your chances of getting one are still pretty good.


A second home in the mountains?  I'm jealous!  Seriously, that is what we are working towards.  I want a log home with beautiful views that go on for miles.  Maybe someday...


Hope you are able to get your item!  :-)

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

Nothing helpful about the trees, but at least we know why QVC does CIJ.  It works!


PS -  My Westie has been gone for years and I still miss him.

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Re: Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

@westiedoglover wrote:

I was going to order the 23” inch Mr. Christmas tree.  We have a second home in the mountains and I thought this would be perfect for the holidays. I  can’t have a real tree because we’re not there on a full time basis.  Guess I didn’t act quick enough because now it is unavailable.  Jayne said this was the only order of the season.  I wonder if they will bring more in since it sold out so quickly.  I’m considering the 17”.  I can order two of them for the same price as the larger one.  Any thoughts by those who have the 17” would be helpful!

Keep an eye on the item number.  People may pay by Check and then not send it in.  Also, if someone cancels it will come back in stock.  Or you can wait for a return.  I bought an adorable small tree last year at Target.  It looks real, too. 

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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

Keep checking back, especially in the middle of the night and very early morning, as lots of cancellations happen right after a big event like this. 


Also, I'll offer up for your consideration, to check out ebay and other second hand options, for the original vintage ones. The larger ones are a bit more difficult to find, but many of the vintage ones are so much better detailed, and realistic looking than those here by Mr. Christmas. 


Many of the vintage ones have the 'bulbs' loose and you can change the style and color of the bulbs as well. 


I have two vintage ones, with much greater detail and options (music). I much prefer the wide variety available in colors, flocking, detail with the vintage.

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Registered: ‎09-10-2018

Re: Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

I purchased the Green Over sized Ceramic Tree and it arrived broken. QVC could not replace. I'm hoping they are back in stock before Christmas.

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Posts: 12,663
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Mr. Christmas Tree 23” Sold Out!

@J Rowland


The tree is available "as is" in green or white


Item #214045. - $36


I've ordered many "as is" things with great success!  Always looks perfect & if there is a problem the same return policy is in place.