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Re: Little Thanksgiving treats

@meallen616  You're welcome!  And Happy Thanksgiving to you! 🙂

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Little Thanksgiving treats



So creative and a lovely idea!


Love everything about it.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: Little Thanksgiving treats

[ Edited ]

@LdyBugz   So cute!  I need to get my little houses made (that you mentioned a few months ago)   Lots of Lindt truffles to pack up for giving soon!  

I've made some cute tags for them, but I also started using clip art, and printing them on full sheets of white labels.  So many free clip arts of every holiday, theme, words, etc!  Just google free clip art images.  Some have really turned out cute.  I buy the full label sheets on eBay very reasonably priced.  

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Re: Little Thanksgiving treats

I love this idea, how thoughtful! I normally bring the host a small gift but I have never received anything being the guest! (other than the delicious meal so that is my gift)

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: Little Thanksgiving treats

[ Edited ]

@LdyBugz  Those are lovely Thanksgiving treats! Wonderful job and great presentation with the packaging, orange bows and Thanksgiving tags.  Enstrom toffee squares are delicious Smiley HappyHeart.

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Posts: 1,991
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Little Thanksgiving treats

@lynnie61  Yes, time to start working on the little houses now for Christmas!  The Lindt truffles I ordered actually arrived today, so maybe this weekend I'll start putting those together.


I'll have to look at eBay next time, thanks for the tip!  It's easier for me time-wise to just order them from somewhere instead of making them myself.  


Please post a pic of your houses so we can see them!  I bet they will be cute!  😀


Happy Thanksgiving!