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It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

what else to do with friends staying with us (escaping Hurricane Matthew😳) so us ladies went shopping!


I had to control myself because honestly I don't recall what I bought end of season & kept from last Christmas. But, they have a great selection of very reasonably priced things. 


Heres a little preview:



Cute finials and straw reindeer/squirrels oh my!



These cute snowmen really caught my eye (9.99/each)IMG_5044.JPG


And worse part for me on the way out they gave us 20% off entire purchase of Christmas decor next week - this store is ugh these pics are only 1 small area....guess I know where I'll be next week!!!




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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

I want the snowman !!

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

Sounds like a good time.  We used to stop at an Old Time Pottery store when we drove to Florida.  That seems a life time ago.  I don't go that way anymore.

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery



me too! I see them in my future next week (hopefully they are still there!) or tomorrow to be sure!


my friends just got email that Kirklands has Christmas now in stores -- oh no, better eat our wheaties can see it's going to be a "power shopping" weekend! Great coupons too!

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

Their closest location is 7  hours and about 500 hundred miles away from me.  Probably a good thing because I see to many things I don't need but probably would buy.  That would throw my decoration down sizing out the window.  I have been sharing but did not know I had collected so much.

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

@Gram W


ours is 15 min away and I haven't been in since last Christmas BUT my friends don't have one in their area (which may be a good thing) so of course, it's our first stop when they visit.


Worse is my cousins are coming next Sunday and I know that's he first trip for them....I'm going to have to wear "blinders" like they put on horses!!!! Lol because by then the store will be full Christmas mode!!!!😱🙄😁

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

I've only been in one of those stores once. It was overwhelming to me. But those deer are so cute! I may have to give it another try.
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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

Love those snowmen.  Good thing that store is nowhere near me!

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery

I'm soooooo jealous! Looks like so much fun! Can I go with you next week?

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Re: It's beginning to look like Christmas @ Old Time Pottery



Sure everyone welcomed except I must warn you -- we talk a lot! My poor spouse says "we are like hens" but we always have a lot to say and of course, we can't help it &  he's outnumbered & loves it!!!!