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Hoping QVC will Bring Back Coronet Cake Swiss Rolls for the Holidays...!!! (???)

I loved these so much, I know they were hard to get with the pandemic as they are not domestic but...has anyone seen them anywhere (in the US) or if anyone from QVC monitors these discussions, are there plans to bring back for the holidays?!  They're so good!


Product Video on You Tube for those who don't know what you're missing.

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Re: Hoping QVC will Bring Back Coronet Cake Swiss Rolls for the Holidays...!!! (???)

@blzrul    QVC employees are not permitted to post here, although it's unlikely they'd be reading the boards.  Maybe some other poster has seen this product and will be able to help.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Hoping QVC will Bring Back Coronet Cake Swiss Rolls for the Holidays...!!! (???)

I've only ever seen or eaten the Little Debbie ones.

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Re: Hoping QVC will Bring Back Coronet Cake Swiss Rolls for the Holidays...!!! (???)

@Icegoddess wrote:

I've only ever seen or eaten the Little Debbie ones.

I used to like the Little Debbie cakes too.  But the last few times I got them, they were quite flat - not at all round like they're supposed to be.  So, that was the end for me.


My grandmother made excellent "roll cake;" we had it at most holidays.  She was German.