Honored Contributor
Posts: 38,398
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,704
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

[ Edited ]

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy




@mousiegirl Thank you! 

As for Daylilies, I only dabbled with having a few and planting them with Cannas back about the same time I had the Irises and got rid of all of them too for the same reason. 


As for our Salvias, I got rid of half of ours yesterday (the ones that fall apart the worst after a frost/freeze like the Black & Blue Salvia) and the other half I left to go to seed for the Goldfinches and House Finches since the blooms will be gone by morning after the freeze tonight.  The hummers are gone here til next Spring so that's ok. You are lucky to have hummers all yr round where you are Smiley Happy


I'm currently watching 'HummerVision' based in New Mexico on UStream...going through hummer withdrawls BAD! We won't see any again til the beginning of May  Smiley Sad

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,704
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  My goodness you are a worker.  Maybe you can fifish up outside  and hibernate for the duration of the winter.  Smiley Happy 


We are ready for the winter now.  Just need to do a little more mulching in some of the new beds.  We haven't had any rain in so long and are watching the clouds today hoping they will give us some precipitation.  I hate when the trees and plants head  into winter without adequate moisture for so long this way. 

We shared some daylilies earlier this week and they were so dry.  But we watered them after we finished digging.  Hope that helped them. 


@lucymo  I hope you will get some much needed moisture/rain soon! Are you going into a drought stage? I think your daylilies will be fine.

The older I get the more I hate winter. I would be quite content if the season's went from Fall to Spring...LOL

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,197
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  My goodness you are a worker.  Maybe you can fifish up outside  and hibernate for the duration of the winter.  Smiley Happy 


We are ready for the winter now.  Just need to do a little more mulching in some of the new beds.  We haven't had any rain in so long and are watching the clouds today hoping they will give us some precipitation.  I hate when the trees and plants head  into winter without adequate moisture for so long this way. 

We shared some daylilies earlier this week and they were so dry.  But we watered them after we finished digging.  Hope that helped them. 


@lucymo  I hope you will get some much needed moisture/rain soon! Are you going into a drought stage? I think your daylilies will be fine.

The older I get the more I hate winter. I would be quite content if the season's went from Fall to Spring...LOL

@Susan Louise  I don't think we're drought stage but very dry.  Hoping for a shower tonight, anything will help the plants and trees.  Ditto on the fall to spring.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,197
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy

@Susan Louise  I love the pictures.  Your camera really picks up details well.

Pull out the blankets tonight and greet the first frost.  We haven't seen that yet but it can't be too far away, I'm sure.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,704
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@lucymo wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy

@Susan Louise  I love the pictures.  Your camera really picks up details well.

Pull out the blankets tonight and greet the first frost.  We haven't seen that yet but it can't be too far away, I'm sure.


@lucymo  Thanks...glad you liked the pic Smiley Happy

As for covering the rest of the gardens...well, there are a few reasons why I chose not to this year...

1st, it's late enough in the season that I know all the hummers have passed through here. We also keep our feeders out for another week or two just in case there might be a late migrant.


2nd, I'm just too tired and sore from yesterday to do all that extra work...dragging out our covers and sheets and securing them with paver stones and clips. IF it was just going to be a light frost...well, I might have covered a couple of plants, but it's going to be a hard freeze for us tonight, so the covers have to entirely cover the plants to the ground for it to be effective. I'm just too exhausted at the thought of it all. Then there is the washing of all the sheets afterwards and trucking down all the supplies back into the basement when I'm done....

Nope, not going to happen...LOL


The only thing I will be doing outside tonight...probably within an hour, I have to get my butt outside to harvest seeds from the Salvia plants I want. I realized I still hadn't gathered all of the seeds from stalks/stems of plants I wanted. Time for another cup of coffee and more Theragesic...sigh...then make dinner....something easy tonight, that's for sure. Maybe angel hair pasta with ground beef added to marinara sauce...w grated parm cheese...and easy garlic bread Smiley Happy

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,197
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy

@Susan Louise  I love the pictures.  Your camera really picks up details well.

Pull out the blankets tonight and greet the first frost.  We haven't seen that yet but it can't be too far away, I'm sure.


@lucymo  Thanks...glad you liked the pic Smiley Happy

As for covering the rest of the gardens...well, there are a few reasons why I chose not to this year...

1st, it's late enough in the season that I know all the hummers have passed through here. We also keep our feeders out for another week or two just in case there might be a late migrant.


2nd, I'm just too tired and sore from yesterday to do all that extra work...dragging out our covers and sheets and securing them with paver stones and clips. IF it was just going to be a light frost...well, I might have covered a couple of plants, but it's going to be a hard freeze for us tonight, so the covers have to entirely cover the plants to the ground for it to be effective. I'm just too exhausted at the thought of it all. Then there is the washing of all the sheets afterwards and trucking down all the supplies back into the basement when I'm done....

Nope, not going to happen...LOL


The only thing I will be doing outside tonight...probably within an hour, I have to get my butt outside to harvest seeds from the Salvia plants I want. I realized I still hadn't gathered all of the seeds from stalks/stems of plants I wanted. Time for another cup of coffee and more Theragesic...sigh...then make dinner....something easy tonight, that's for sure. Maybe angel hair pasta with ground beef added to marinara sauce...w grated parm cheese...and easy garlic bread Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  I was referring to blankets for you to cover up with. Smiley Happy  We do coverings outside in the spring if a late freeze is predicted but not this late in the fall either.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,704
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy

@Susan Louise  I love the pictures.  Your camera really picks up details well.

Pull out the blankets tonight and greet the first frost.  We haven't seen that yet but it can't be too far away, I'm sure.


@lucymo  Thanks...glad you liked the pic Smiley Happy

As for covering the rest of the gardens...well, there are a few reasons why I chose not to this year...

1st, it's late enough in the season that I know all the hummers have passed through here. We also keep our feeders out for another week or two just in case there might be a late migrant.


2nd, I'm just too tired and sore from yesterday to do all that extra work...dragging out our covers and sheets and securing them with paver stones and clips. IF it was just going to be a light frost...well, I might have covered a couple of plants, but it's going to be a hard freeze for us tonight, so the covers have to entirely cover the plants to the ground for it to be effective. I'm just too exhausted at the thought of it all. Then there is the washing of all the sheets afterwards and trucking down all the supplies back into the basement when I'm done....

Nope, not going to happen...LOL


The only thing I will be doing outside tonight...probably within an hour, I have to get my butt outside to harvest seeds from the Salvia plants I want. I realized I still hadn't gathered all of the seeds from stalks/stems of plants I wanted. Time for another cup of coffee and more Theragesic...sigh...then make dinner....something easy tonight, that's for sure. Maybe angel hair pasta with ground beef added to marinara sauce...w grated parm cheese...and easy garlic bread Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  I was referring to blankets for you to cover up with. Smiley Happy  We do coverings outside in the spring if a late freeze is predicted but not this late in the fall either.


@lucymo  *red face*  Oops...sorry!  yyym0945.gif...Bless your heart cat.gif

And I agree about Springtime Smiley Happy


Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,197
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@lucymo wrote:

@Susan Louise  Yes, next time post a little note before you go missing.  lol  I thought  you were probably busy with the 'before winter' chores. 


I love the pictures and will look for more in Garden.  Those are perfect shots of the little birds resting,  something we rarely see because we don't really work with them.


I'm glad that you got the little Polar Bears.  I just love the mother and baby one last year and I didn't even blink before I got these two babies. I'm tempted to get another set just to use on a shelf or somewhere like that.  I think everyone who came here last year went closer to see the bears and complimented  them.


GF, it's great to have you back on here and you get some rest now.  It sure sounds like you've earned it.



@lucymo  Thanks Lucymo Smiley Happy


I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I'm sitting here with one eye open and a big mug of coffee. I got rid of the debris/plants in about half of our gardens yesterday before the big freeze expected tonight...12 yard bags worth! Although after this one single night of temps below freezing, the forecast over the next 10 days the night temps will rebound back to the 40's & 50's, I had to get rid of the plants that literally disintegrate and become a nightmare to clean up after a frost/freeze...most of which are tropical plants. I try not to remove all of the plants so the birds during the winter have a place for cover when they feed on our buffet of seeds & peanuts.


After I finish this post I'll be slathering my shoulders with Theragesic and taking some Aleve...I'm so sore this morning, but glad I got that task done!


Ok...confession time...0-emoticon.gif

Would you believe it if I told you I just bought 2 sets (one each of red & ivory) of the VPH new musical angels (H205376)? I had to warm up to them I guess and they just didn't interest me when I initially saw the pic on VPH's FB sneak peek. I just watched the video for the angels (since I missed VPH's show this morning...that's RARE...LOL) and I just HAD to get them!


I thought the ivory set would look nice around the 1980's ceramic Christmas tree my aunt made me which I want to display/use this's been awhile...

And the red set would look nice near the VPH large Dicken's Caroler's cloche' I got last year.


I'm watching the QF show now...nice with MB and Angel together Smiley Happy


Enough about me, hope you are doing well GF! Did you watch VPH's show this morning? Do you have any outside chores you have been working on recently? 


@Susan Louise  One eye open, LOL, I can relate.  The other day, I transplanted over sixty Irises and knew I would pay the price the next day with my back, but SportsGel and rest takes care of it.


The cream angels are a pale green, adorable, though I know that a cream in paint can have tints of many colors and still be called cream, learned this when buying a cream paint which had hints of green.  I bought these last year, but missed the red, so bought two sets of red this year.


@mousiegirl    holy-cow-smiley.gif


I dedicated one section of one of our gardens to Irises back in 2009 and only had them for 3 short years. For me, it was just too much work to divide them and separate them at a certain time of the year when it's really the hottest and the hummers are just starting to ramp up migrating. I wound up throwing out most of them and the rest I gave to my MIL


I remember when I got started...picking and choosing about 30 of them was fun and watching them bloom was wonderful! My absolute fave was called 'Rain on Frost'. Here's a pic from Spring 2012...



As for the VPH musical angels, thanks for the HU about the tone/shade of the ivory set...that will be fine. They looked nice during the presentation when I watched the video. Please post pics of when you use your 2 sets of red angels! I will post pics too when I use our sets Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  Your Iris garden was beautiful!  I spread them all around, and don't divide them very often, maybe every ten years, maybe a bit sooner.  If they stop blooming, or much, then I divide them.  I have given tons away from divisions.


One year, I lost so many due to gophers and/or moles. We plant everything in wire baskets that DH makes, a real pain, but this year, I didn't use the wire for the Irises so will see in Spring if they survived.


Daylilies have the same issue.  Those I will treat the same way as the Irises Irises don't take up as much room so in that regard are easier.  We have a beautiful Fall here so that is when I divide, better for the plants and for me. Smiley Happy  I plan to try to finish planting the Iris in a few days, just want it done with.


 The tags on a lot disappeared, so I am just planting them en masse until they bloom and I see what color and height they are, then will move them to an appropriate area, some will just stay in a mixed bed


Most of the plants are still blooming, and the Fall bloomers are beginning, many are Salvias so hummers are humming around. Smiley Happy

@Susan Louise  I love the pictures.  Your camera really picks up details well.

Pull out the blankets tonight and greet the first frost.  We haven't seen that yet but it can't be too far away, I'm sure.


@lucymo  Thanks...glad you liked the pic Smiley Happy

As for covering the rest of the gardens...well, there are a few reasons why I chose not to this year...

1st, it's late enough in the season that I know all the hummers have passed through here. We also keep our feeders out for another week or two just in case there might be a late migrant.


2nd, I'm just too tired and sore from yesterday to do all that extra work...dragging out our covers and sheets and securing them with paver stones and clips. IF it was just going to be a light frost...well, I might have covered a couple of plants, but it's going to be a hard freeze for us tonight, so the covers have to entirely cover the plants to the ground for it to be effective. I'm just too exhausted at the thought of it all. Then there is the washing of all the sheets afterwards and trucking down all the supplies back into the basement when I'm done....

Nope, not going to happen...LOL


The only thing I will be doing outside tonight...probably within an hour, I have to get my butt outside to harvest seeds from the Salvia plants I want. I realized I still hadn't gathered all of the seeds from stalks/stems of plants I wanted. Time for another cup of coffee and more Theragesic...sigh...then make dinner....something easy tonight, that's for sure. Maybe angel hair pasta with ground beef added to marinara sauce...w grated parm cheese...and easy garlic bread Smiley Happy



@Susan Louise  I was referring to blankets for you to cover up with. Smiley Happy  We do coverings outside in the spring if a late freeze is predicted but not this late in the fall either.


@lucymo  *red face*  Oops...sorry!  yyym0945.gif...Bless your heart cat.gif

And I agree about Springtime Smiley Happy


@Susan Louise  Ah, no problem, stop banging your head or you'll have a headache.  lol   Thanks for the hug, always welcome.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,328
Registered: ‎06-15-2016

Re: Holidays with Jill Premiere ~ What'd You Buy???

This morning with VPH and MaryBeth, I saw the cutest items! They were on clearance, too! They were lit scenes on pedestals and mirrors under a glass dome! Marked down to $33.98! I got the Santa for my kitchen table. I got the snowman scene for my dd and the gingerbread scene for dil! I'm giving them in lieu of candy for Halloween since everyone is dieting!

Never underestimate the power of kindness.