Occasional Contributor
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎08-25-2016

Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie

Thanx Marsha2003


I found it at Christmas Central and placed an order.

I'm also a big fan of Dept. 56 Villages. 


Best wishes,



Occasional Contributor
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎08-25-2016

Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie

Dear mermaid at the shore...


Sounds like you live at the beach....I used to also.  Loved the sunsets.


First, thank you for your thought on the loss of my mother--she was a sweet, dear lady

 who loved her morning coffee.


Second, thanks for the suggestion of Q Type.  I called but they were not open.  I may try them on Monday.


Meanwhile, I found just what I was looking for at Christmas Central from another helpful POST.  When we all put our experiences & knowledge together, we can usually find solutions.


Best wishes,





Occasional Contributor
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎08-25-2016

Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie

Dear ILUVChristmas...


I love Christmas, too!  Thanks for the tips!  I found just what I was looking for from another helpful POST.


I'll checkout the other sites you suggested also.





Posts: 36
Registered: ‎04-16-2013

Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie

KQT-glad you found it!!!  Not a day goes by that I don't think of my Mom.  It has been eight years since she passed but I understand the association of things with people we have lost.  My case I can't part with her old potato masher and cutting board. lol.  Time does make it easier.  

You are right, I do live at the water in North Carolina, right on the Albemarles Sound.  My other house was in Toms River so I am truly a Jersey Girl  I am so homesick I put this house back on the market to go back to NJ.  I should have stuck with what I know,  too old for this drastic a change.  Live and learn I guess. I will have to look for your coconut coffe-sounds good.  Hope you enjoy your coffee shop when it arrives


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Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie

mermaid at the shore, you lucky girl.  You have to appreciate the climate in NC oppossed to New Jersey/  I live in Morehead City, NC and love it. 

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie

@Tronx I'm so happy you found what you wanted.  The posters here are the best!!!

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Posts: 330
Registered: ‎09-09-2014

Re: H203324 Lit Holiday Animated Corner Coffee Shop by Valerie



I am so happy I could help out. These boards have been so helpful to me.

