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Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

I hope no one reads this the wrong way as I'm boasting but I'm gloating and glowing -- walking on air today...WHY you ask??


All the moaning, complaining, back pain and more was worth it today.


I had a few more boxes to drop of to Habitat. A small Christmas entry tree decorated, Pyrex, dishes, sheets in good condition, towels, gifts I bought but will never give, clothes my GD left here because going to NJ she didn't need summer clothes, coloring books, crayons, bag of younger toys, stuffed animals, shoes barely worn, get the picture). I was over in another area of town at a Drs. Appt and passed a Goodwill store. Figured I'll just drop it off here.


I go in to get someone to help me and I'm carrying this little tree I must admit I was fond of him but time to let go!


This little girl about 7-8 years old comes to me and says: "hi are you giving away that tree?" Of course, I said yes to Goodwill. She said "can my mom have it we don't have a tree?" Holy ****** I almost cried right there realizing how much I have not just excess stuff.


I said to her where is your mom? She gets her I told her I was dropping these items off to donate but she was welcomed to them.


You'd think I gave her a million dollars! She graciously thanked me, her little girl hugged me and helps her mom load their old car.


As I was walking away (trying to contain my thoughts) I realized how thankful this little girl/mom were who were perfect strangers 10 minutes before! 


The little girl waves to me as I'm starting to drive out of the parking lot. I re-parked and went back and said to her "I know one of Santas helpers and he wanted me to give you this to pick out a few gifts he might miss on your list". I had just purchased a $50 gc for WM for the giving tree in our community as I missed the gift deadline.  For some reason, I saw this precious happy child in a world full of craziness and at that moment it was bought for her!


Just had to share because it's amazing what a small donation can do for another and my (our) hearts! 


Merry Christmas! 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Bless you for helping these people. I am sure  you made their Christmas! 

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎09-12-2014

Re: Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

Thank you for sharing this :-) What a beautiful made my day!


~there is never an excuse to be unkind~
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Re: Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

Bless you!  

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Re: Givmooing/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

What a feel good story! Thanks for sharing with that family, and sharing your story with us. 

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Re: Givmooing/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

Love it!  Thanks for sharing. A great day for you and them. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Givmooing/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

Christmas and the Christmas spirit are alive and well in Florida even though it is in the 80s!    It truly makes you realize how blessed you are!  I've had a similar experience and it is the best!   God bless you always!

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Re: Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

Love this message, pay it forward and enjoy a Merry Christmas because that is what we all should be doing now and always.

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Re: Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

That brought tears to my eyes!  I am so happy that you were in exactly the the right place at the right time.  That little girl & her Mom will always remember you, & I'm sure you will always remember them.  This is what the season is all about, isn't it? 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Giving/Donating came to me 10 fold today (after my cleanup!!!) (Happy ending)

If ANYONE accuses you of BOASTING, THEY'RE gonna have to get through me to do it!


This is the happiest, dearest, jolliest, MOST MerryChristmasHappyChannukahBrightDiwaliEmpoweringKwaanza post I've ever seen here.


Many thanks and Blessings to you for sharing!