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Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@qualitygal  I watched several of the gift wrapping videos you posted about.  They were amazing, and inspired me!


It took me two tries, but I'm getting the hang of the folding!  The first time I cut the paper too short and the folding ended up looking like when I try to fold a fitted sheet, a big wad! 😁


This one turned out half way decent, although I think I might change the ribbon.  Hard to see in the pic, but the edge of the ribbon is gold and that spriggy thing is gold.  Took me about 45 minutes to do this.  At this rate, I should be done wrapping packages by August!  Maybe I should just order some of those gift bags they sell on QVC.  😀



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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!



You did very well.  Even more simple will do. Don't use gift bags; they kill the joy.

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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@ECBG  Thanks!  It certainly will take a lot of practice to do all that fancy folding like they do in the videos.  I don't know if I have the patience or stamina for it!  Their packages look so nice though.  I don't like to use gift bags, unless the gift is something odd shaped and difficult to wrap.  I bought a lot of pretty ribbon and paper, so we'll see how far I get with all of this!  🙂

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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@LdyBugz   I think you did a fantastic job!  You get a gold ⭐️ from me.

My gift wrapping skillz looks as if a bomb exploded on the package.



I cannot wrap presents...PERIOD!   I love gift bags.  I am an expert at fixing tissue paper to make the bags look snazzy. Smiley Tongue  I always use color tissue paper to match the gift bags.

I use the gift bags that the Q sells.


FWIW...... I am an EXPERT in using aluminum foil as wrapping paper.  I can also curl ribbon to look like Shirly Temple curls. Smiley LOL

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@LdyBugz You did a GREAT job!!!!👍 If you had not mentioned it being your first time, I would never have known. You could have said you had it professionally wrapped, and I would have believed you.😁


Well done!!!😊



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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@Mz iMac @SandySparkles


Thank you ladies! You are too kind!  Below is my second attempt, well third if you count the first one I ditched.  So another 45 minutes to do this.  I'm doing one more and calling it a night.  I've been up since 5 a.m. and this wrapping is exhausting!  LOL!  Think I'll just stick to traditional wrapping after this.   .....oy.....


Blue paper with those reflective snowflakes, pearly white ribbon, and a blue/silver sprig thing....   .....zzzzzz.......



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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@LdyBugz wrote:

@Mz iMac @SandySparkles


Thank you ladies! You are too kind!  Below is my second attempt, well third if you count the first one I ditched.  So another 45 minutes to do this.  I'm doing one more and calling it a night.  I've been up since 5 a.m. and this wrapping is exhausting!  LOL!  Think I'll just stick to traditional wrapping after this.   .....oy.....


Blue paper with those reflective snowflakes, pearly white ribbon, and a blue/silver sprig thing....   .....zzzzzz.......



😍Another winner❤!!!! It must be SUCH a feeling of satisfaction; having conquered so quickly a task that is quite difficult for some to master over much greater time!


Now, time to pat yourself on the back because you DESERVE it!!😁





~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

Last one, for ever and ever.  I don't want to play anymore.  I'm taking my ball and going home.  😁




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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

They're all beautiful, but wrapping doesn't have to be so labor intensive at all.


How to Wrap Christmas Presents Like a Pro | Reader's Digest Canada

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Re: Gift wrapping...sort of got it!

@ECBG   Yes, thanks.  I know how to wrap the traditional way like that.  I just wanted to try my hand at all the fancy folds.  Some of the designs are so pretty and amazing.  👍👍