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Re: Clear or Colored Lights??

I like white lights on a flocked tree.  Both of my trees are flocked and they look pretty unlit as well as lit. 

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Re: Clear or Colored Lights??

I do both.  I have multi-color lights on the rustic tree in my family room.  The living room tree is a heavily flocked tree and it's lit with 2 sizes of clear incandescent lights.  The atmosphere each provides is wonderful, but different.  The multi tree provides a warm cuddly atmosphere which along with my rustic ornaments keeps my old-fashioned Christmas memories alive.  The all white flocked tree is a gorgeous classic winter look.


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Re: Clear or Colored Lights??

I had always done white on my tree until 2 years ago. Then I bought a pre-lit tree that has the option of white or multi colored.  I was sure the multi-colored would never be used.


However, I got the tree entirely decorated, flipped on the white lights and hated them.  I turned on the mutli and loved it.  I don't know why but there is something about the shape and color of this particular tree with my ornaments and the color of the white lights that was ugly. 


I'm honestly toying with putting up my old tree this year and stringing the lights on it myself.  I still love that tree.



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Re: Clear or Colored Lights??

Old fashioned colored lights on the real green tree, white on the white flocked tree which came on the tree from here, and the newer colored lights which came on the flocked woodland tree which I bought here last year.  I have a woodsy slender tree which I put tiny red lights on.  I usually don't like clear lights, but on the white flocked tree, I like them.

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Re: Clear or Colored Lights??

Even though my tree from the 80's has multi-colored lights, I prefer white lights myself.

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Re: Clear or Colored Lights??

For years I used white lights but for the past three or so years I used colored LED lights, to reduce the heat because I always had a live tree. They are nice, but my tree didn't "glow" like it does with white lights, so I'm going back to them this year; I ordered the Bethlehem Lights TSV tree with the white incandescent lights. 


I put hundreds of ornaments and glass balls on my tree. I in-fill the inside of my tree with my older silver and gold balls that are starting to tarnish; they're no longer pretty to display on the outer branches, but boy, do they reflect the lights and add sparkle to the interior.  I also add silver tinsel to all the branches, strand by strand. That just adds millions of sparkles to the tree because they shimmer with every bit of air movement. I'll probably have to rethink the tinsel, though, on the artificial tree. Maybe I'll use more glass icicles instead. 


The whole effect is much better with the white lights than with the colored ones.  Every year I try to take a picture to calpture the effect, but I've never been successful. It would probably require some Photoshop work for me to try to recreate how the human eye sees it, rather than the camera eye.