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Re: Childhood holiday memories

@Travone wrote:

Going downtown to see the window displays, the Christmas parade (met the Osmond Brothers there one year) and of course Mr. Jingeling and his magic keys.  Great memories.



Mister Jingeling
How You Tingeling
Keeper of the Keys
On Halle's Seventh Floor
We'll be Looking for
You to Turn the Keys


He Keeps Track
Of Santa's Sack
And Treasure House of Toys
With Wind Up Things
That Santa Brings
To All Good Girls and Boys


Cleveland Memories.  I loved Halle's and Higbee's at Christmas.  Although, I thought Mr. Jingeling was a little scary.  lol



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Registered: ‎05-27-2015

Re: Childhood holiday memories

@qualitygal  Your post got me all misty-eyed! Christmas: paging through Harriet Carter for presents for my Mom and Dad; I was the designated present wrapper (including mine), and we  always received a Firestone box of wrapping, which included the Christmas album!; my Mom's Russian tea cookies made with hickory nuts my Dad had painstakingly cracked and picked; brooming off the snow from our walkway every 15 minutes to make a clean path for our grandparents' arrival; moonlights walks through the snow; every evening ended with singing carols and other hymns around the piano. I have a warm glow right now!

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Re: Childhood holiday memories

@CarmieWonderful memories to hold on to.  alll Except that Motion sickness bit.  I can relate.  Every summer we would go see my grandparents, who lived about 6 hours away, by car.  I was SO Carsick Every time.  I dreaded those trips.  Bad enough going up. Then there was the trip back looming in my mind the whole time.  Guess it helped to build my "Bite the bullet and get it over with" and "Carpe Diem" attitude. 

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Re: Childhood holiday memories

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@qualitygal  Your post got me all misty-eyed! Christmas: paging through Harriet Carter for presents for my Mom and Dad; I was the designated present wrapper (including mine), and we  always received a Firestone box of wrapping, which included the Christmas album!; my Mom's Russian tea cookies made with hickory nuts my Dad had painstakingly cracked and picked; brooming off the snow from our walkway every 15 minutes to make a clean path for our grandparents' arrival; moonlights walks through the snow; every evening ended with singing carols and other hymns around the piano. I have a warm glow right now!

@PA Mom-mom   That was so sweet.  Wonderful memories.

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Re: Childhood holiday memories

When I was about 7 I saw the most beautiful angel with a silver dress and a lighted halo in the hardware store window in our small town.  I ran home all excited and told my mom I had to show it to them.  A day or so later we went to see it and it was gone.  I was so sad but it was Chistmas so got caught up in other festivities.  My parents put the tree up on Christmas Eve after we went to bed.  Christmas morning I ran to the living room and there was my beautiful angel on top of the most beautiful tree.


She is still shinning bright on my grandkids family tree and they love her as much as I do! 

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,987
Registered: ‎05-27-2015

Re: Childhood holiday memories

@mspatmac wrote:

When I was about 7 I saw the most beautiful angel with a silver dress and a lighted halo in the hardware store window in our small town.  I ran home all excited and told my mom I had to show it to them.  A day or so later we went to see it and it was gone.  I was so sad but it was Chistmas so got caught up in other festivities.  My parents put the tree up on Christmas Eve after we went to bed.  Christmas morning I ran to the living room and there was my beautiful angel on top of the most beautiful tree.


She is still shinning bright on my grandkids family tree and they love her as much as I do! 

@mspatmac  What a lovely story! Your parents were sweethearts!

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Posts: 7,336
Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Childhood holiday memories

       My mother was a true Christmas fairy -- so holiday were a joy at my childhood home!!  And my parents anniversary was the right before Christmas, so it was a month of celebrating.  Every year my mom would decide on a holiday theme, like red and white candy canes, white doves, reindeer. All the living area would have some decor within that theme!! She always ordered a long, real evergreen garland that was strung above the mantel. Always had a real tree...the house smelled so good!!  To this day, I can close my eyes and 'smell' that scent!!!

       My mother was also a baker so she would make hundreds of cookies, cakes, breads, divinity and fudge months before the holiday.  Most were given away, but we did get to eat some!!

      Everyone in the family had a 'job'. Mine - wrap gifts; older brother - put up lights outside; younger brother- put up the Nacimiento/nativity figures and we all decorated the tree.