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I too use a sharpie to mark the timer side. The ones that have a round clear button I press 2 times for timer and the green oblong button I press till it blinks. Then the hours range from 4 to 12 hours on. I just wish they were all the same. That’s all I can handle as far as timers go and honestly thats way too much.
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I struggle with them too!   I think anyone with 20/20  (not me) must still find it hard to see!  So glad someone thought to mention it! Woman Wink

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@ladycos wrote:

It drives me crazy. Who do they think can see that invisible small writing?
I have to get a flashlight and two pair of reading glasses. 
So I started marking them with a red or black sharpie on the side the timer is on.  

You got that right! They are driving me crazy this year.

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Yes @LindaSal I agree with you. If they were in a different color I wouldn't have to stand there holding the candle upside down under the light WITH my glasses on peering at it to figure out whether I'm switching it to on or timer.


LOL yes I get that over the years my eyesight has become more challenged but really it would be such a simple solution.

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@LindaSal wrote:

I agree and I would love if someone would have a brainstorm and make the words (on/off/timer)   a different color than the bottom of the candle so I can see it!



@LindaSal   I have to use a 10 x magnifying glass to read the words.

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@ladycos wrote:

It drives me crazy. Who do they think can see that invisible small writing?
I have to get a flashlight and two pair of reading glasses. 
So I started marking them with a red or black sharpie on the side the timer is on.  



@ladycos   I have marked mine also.  I received an item from here today that is on timer, but no words showing, and nothing on the instruction sheet as to which way to slide the switch.

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@Marsha2003 wrote:

You are all making me laugh.  I so agree about the instructions, timer hours and hard-to-read switch positions.  In addition to a selection of candles,I have those tall lanterns that you press the button once to turn it on and then hold it down a second time until it blinks to set the timer.  I have no idea how many hours they are on and can barely remember from year to year how to set the timer.


One good thing is that most of the Luminaras with switches have the same battery box, so once you read one candle, you can apply that switch position to all the others.  



@Marsha2003   I have both types, and with the Luminaras, I turn them all on their sides in a row in the room I will be using them, then quiclky push the switch at the same time down the row.

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@mousiegirl wrote:

@Marsha2003 wrote:

You are all making me laugh.  I so agree about the instructions, timer hours and hard-to-read switch positions.  In addition to a selection of candles,I have those tall lanterns that you press the button once to turn it on and then hold it down a second time until it blinks to set the timer.  I have no idea how many hours they are on and can barely remember from year to year how to set the timer.


One good thing is that most of the Luminaras with switches have the same battery box, so once you read one candle, you can apply that switch position to all the others.  



@Marsha2003   I have both types, and with the Luminaras, I turn them all on their sides in a row in the room I will be using them, then quiclky push the switch at the same time down the row.

@mousiegirl Good methodology!