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Re: Berkshire Throws - shedding terribly

I just bought the fluffie sheets, washed and dried them and put them on the bed.  I barely had three threds come off.  Didn't hardly have any shedding.  

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Re: Berkshire Throws - shedding terribly

I just recently opened a Berkshire throw I bought on clearance last year.  I'm having the same problem.  It's such a happy color (yellow) so I hate to get rid of it but it's been on the bed for a couple of weeks and I am constantly picking up fuzzballs.  I'm done with this brand.  Even my most recent clearance purchase of two Malden Mills holiday pillowcases are so much thinner and cheaper than ones I purchased a few years ago.   Disappointed.

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Re: Berkshire Throws - shedding terribly

It really is sad to see the quality go down as the prices go up. I guess it is best to take care of the things we have.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Berkshire Throws - shedding terribly

@RetRN wrote:

It really is sad to see the quality go down as the prices go up. I guess it is best to take care of the things we have.

Free shipping this weekend and I am not buying. I agree it is best to enjoy what we have purchased in the past and be glad for the better quality. For those with bad throws I would hope you would donate to animal shelters before throwing away. Dogs and cats love the softeness and they will not mind some shedding. It seems we have trouble getting our thrift shops to take anything anymore, as they have an over abundance. So, I donate bedding items, towels, etc. to the animal shelter. They love it.

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Re: Berkshire Throws - shedding terribly

H229942 is a Berkshire Blanket and I have to share that this is a new item and is of great quality.  I washed it yesterday and it came out perfect....not even one tiny fuzz ball in the lint catcher!  Nothing clean...nada ziltch LOL!  I was stunned....cause last yr I purchased a blanket and gifted it to my son....we washed here and all it did was shed like crazy.  I told him to toss it and I got him a different blanket.  I should have sent it back to Q!  


It is hit or miss with even Berkshire these days....just thought I would share the quality on this new blanket is awesome in case anyone is in the market.  

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Posts: 954
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Berkshire Throws - shedding terribly

Sooner, mine was the one light blue background with cardinal birds.