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I saw 3 cars with live Christmas trees today, Sunday before Thanksgiving! 


WoW!Smiley Happy



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That's nice.  There are two houses that have their trees up.  It's nice to see the lights and see people enjoy the holidays.  Not so unusual though.  It's been many a family tradition to begin with Thanksgiving.  Whatever makes one happy.  Better than grouchy. 

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Back when I had real live trees, I put them up after Thanksgiving and watered them a lot. By the New Year, they were pretty dried out.

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We may have bought them this early but nobody put them up until about two weeks before Christmas because they would have certainly dried out inside the house even though you had them sitting in a well of water.


Of course we always kept them up about a week after Christmas so that they didn't come down until New Year's.


I don't put my Christmas tree up until the first weekend of December.

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@AuntG wrote:

Back when I had real live trees, I put them up after Thanksgiving and watered them a lot. By the New Year, they were pretty dried out.

My tree was dried out too @AuntG even though I watered it everyday. I love the smell of real trees, but I too have artificial now, and I love it. It looks real, and at the end of the holiday I box it up for next year. 

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Me too @manny2 . I bought a diffuser with a pine scent that I'll soon set out. Live trees are nice but we went artificial for the ease of things.

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There are a zillion tree farms here in Northern MI.


They begin cutting and shipping just after Labor Day. This year's cutting was delayed until early-mid Oct because of weather.


Just in time for HD shoppers to get their $8 tree on black friday!

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I noticed a lot of people decorating this weekend. I’m guessing with Thanksgiving being so late in the month. I’m excited to decorate Friday. 

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Yes, we decorated over the weekend because we had the time and the weather was nice to string the outside lights.  I have two artificial trees because I am horribly allergic to real pine sono concerns there.

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@qvcfreak last night my brother told me that my sister-in-law was home decorating, she usually decorates thanksgiving weekend; he said she was doing it cause thanksgiving is late this year. There's quite a bit of houses decorated already, it's nice to see because for a few years nobody was decorating outdoors. When I started to see more houses with lights and such it was (is) such a good feeling 🎅🏼🤶🏻🌲☃️