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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

I like fruit cake with just nuts, pineapple and cherries.  I have lost a recipe that had no raisins or other citrus fruits in it and it was good. I need to find that again. Some of the ones sold out in the marketplace is what gives fruitcake a bad name and some of them are bitter as someone mentioned earlier. 

Merry Christmas and enjoy your gifts of fruitcakes.  lol


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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

So far, I have four of them............and I'm going out looking for more today!     (They have been hard to find in stores in recent years.)

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

I love fruitcake.  I just ordered one from Collin Street Bakery.  My grandmother used to make fruitcake cookies.  I looked forward to them every year.  

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

I'm a fan, too, from Collin St. Bakery - yummy!

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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

I love fruitcake.  I make homemade fruitcake every year and people love it.  It is very expensive to make. 

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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

i  love love love fruitcake. this time of year is great. i also like the spiced apple rings. i wish these two were on the grocery store shelf all year long.


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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

I love fruitcake but no nuts! Claxton makes a really good one . They make small ones , lucky for me because it calls out to me in the middle of the night especially. Glad to see others still like it! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!Maryanne

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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

I love it!!!

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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

Add me to the list of fruitcake lovers.  I don't think I ever heard of this bakery that so many of you are talking about, but I'm headed to their website right now.  I'd love to try one of theirs!

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Re: Anyone actually like Fruitcake?

No, I don't like all that candied fruit.  When my husband's mother was alive, she baked it and would send him one, which he said was excellent.