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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Minimum # of Bags You Could Live With?

I'm embarrassed to say how many I own! I have purged a couple times but still. I just love handbags. Different colors, shapes, sizes though usually it's bigger is better, along with crossbody. Love shoes too. Issues!

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Posts: 132
Registered: ‎07-23-2019

Re: Minimum # of Bags You Could Live With?

[ Edited ]

I'm a card-carrying member of the Bag of the Month Club, with several alternates.  Most are Baggalini, with two Dooneys and a couple of Tigs and a few colorful no-names.  The Dooneys are heavy for me.  


My August bag is a coral Baggalini hobo.   🤣

Spoiler idea how the spoiler got there!  And can't get rid of it.  😱