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Posts: 416
Registered: ‎07-10-2014
Does anyone know why on the LUG pages older bags are listed as new with higher prices with no reviews along with the same bags for lower prices with reviews? I have to say it’s very annoying and of course customer service couldn’t tell me anything.

FYI I haven’t bought a thing from the Q since December 31st
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Apparently it's a new pricing policy, raising prices on old/sale merchandise to full retail.  There have been some threads about it lately.  Check them out.  Here is just one:

Super Contributor
Posts: 416
Registered: ‎07-10-2014
Why not just change the price? Why post the same item twice?
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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Everything in retail goes by the sku number.  I'd assume the new ones have a different sku number even though they're the same or almost the same as the new ones.  Could be new colors or some other slight change. 

Super Contributor
Posts: 416
Registered: ‎07-10-2014
But I noticed it’s only with lug.