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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

[ Edited ]

You what they haven't had in a long time (if ever)? A saddle bag. They've done totes, satchels, and drawstrings Forgot about the hobos!. At least a saddle bag would be different.

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

@hicindy2 wrote:

@libbyannE wrote:

@BlingQueen022 wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@faeriemoon wrote:

I would love, love. love a suede satchel.  Suede takes color so well.  Love it.  Since it will be "the Christmas bag" I'm guessing it will be something more universally appealing.  (Code for boring.) Woman Indifferent

Hmmm... It could be suede... But any way you slice, it you're probably right. It probably will be another boring made for the Q bag, you know, with 'free' accessories...

@stevieb How right you are.  I haven't gotten excited about a dooney tsv bag in ages.  Gosh forbid if they would put a florentine bag as the tsv.  That will never happen.  Have to say the tote bag with the cat on it that I have is one of the best looking dooneys I have and I have many many dooney bags.  That bag is just fabulous and worth every dime spent on it.  


I know what you mean. I bought five Brennas (last nov. tsv), and for me they are outstanding in look, function, and quality. Most of my bags are florentine, though. I passed up two earlier Dooney tsvs this year but bought the September one. It's not my fave leather, but I like llove the style. I could tell from pix roughly what the leather was like, and I think sue Clifton  muddied the waters on air with her confusing claim that the September bag was "in the florentine family." Wrong!  From Dooney site, I bought two of the new florentine bags before Qvc started showing them. Outstanding. wouldn't it be great if they had a real, florentine tsv! 

@libbyannE     Just as an aside, that Florentine Barlow is on I Love Dooney again in the taupe.  Someone kept looking at it last time then it was gone.  Can't remember who it was.  Gorgeous bag.  



Large Zip Barlow




i love the Barlow. I own several because the leather us soooo good. I'm with you. It's the best.

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

@JavaQueen wrote:

You what they haven't had in a long time (if ever)? A saddle bag. They've done totes, satchels, and drawstrings Forgot about the hobos!. At least a saddle bag would be different.



I agree. Please-- not another tote. And no faux reptile stuff! A real florentine would be exciting. i have been wearing my Dooney florentine saddlebag this fell. It IS a hot look right now, but they never go out of style. I see that Dooney has a new version of the florentine saddlebag in two sizes now. Mine is probably 18 months old.


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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

@stellabystarlight @LibbyAnn

The insider is up already online. The TV is a version of the zip zip satchel with an outside pocket and the handles don't hoop up on the small straps (yay) it comes w a small pouch/cosmetic/wallewallet and key fob 269 5 EZ pays. I like the bone terrecota terrors and midnight colors

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

Thank you, grammygram.

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

I ordered the Elephant and think I want the Terracota too!!!  Love it!  and the strap has the sweetspot pivot point which is just away from the handle hardware.  It has ITS OWN place to hook the strap. .not having to use the handle metal piece.  

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

@gramygram wrote:

@stellabystarlight@ @LibbyAnn

The insider is up already online. The TV is a version of the zip zip satchel with an outside pocket and the handles don't hoop up on the small straps (yay) it comes w a small pouch/cosmetic/wallewallet and key fob 269 5 EZ pays. I like the bone terrecota terrors and midnight colors

Thank goodness. I do NOT like those zip zip bags. Money saved!  I hope for anyone that gets it though that they like it very much.

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

Thank you so much, grammygram!  I will take a look right now!  It sounds lovely!

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

I checked and I love it!  I will probably order the Terracotta - very different and autumnal.  I like the fact that the shoulder strap hooks on a separate ring!  I love the front pocket - essential for me since I like to have my car keys and house keys at the ready!  I wonder if the strap can be made a shoulder strap too!  Even if it can't, I love the shape, design, and colors!  This dooney is a winner all around!

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Re: Dooney TSV November 5th!

@libbyannE wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@faeriemoon wrote:

I would love, love. love a suede satchel.  Suede takes color so well.  Love it.  Since it will be "the Christmas bag" I'm guessing it will be something more universally appealing.  (Code for boring.) Woman Indifferent

Hmmm. It could be suede. But any way you slice it, you're probably right. It probably will be another boring made for the Q bag, you know, with 'free' accessories.

You like what you like! I respect that. I do have to say that I was always searching for matching pieces for my Dooneys before I ever discovered QVC,and they are pricey. I don't like every tsv, but when I do, I am glad to get the accessory wallet or pouch,  because I know what they cost! 

Except... first, most (not all but most) of the 'free accessories' are watered down versions of what they'd actually sell individually at the prices hosts like to throw out there... Then, there are those who don't particularly want the accessories and have suggested that they offer them at the TSV price, but that they also offer the bags as a stand alone for less. No worries for me. As noted, I'm not collecting Dooney bags anymore... But truly, agreed, it's an individual choice.





In my pantry with my cupcakes...