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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

Definitely want the measurements given. I don’t buy bags bigger that 9 x 6 x 3 give or take a bit so I want to know. Sometimes looks can be deceiving. 

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

They're online. I really don't care if they mention them in the presentation although I have heard them said many many times. 

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

This is one of my pet peeves about handbag presentations. I want to see the inside of the bag, I want the measurments of the bag and I want the weight of the bag. Honestly, give me the basics before we start squeezing the leather. I'm an adult and I think I know how to carry a handbag.  

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

Yes, I want to know the measurements before I order.


No, telling me the measurements doesn't help me all that much because I don't tend to pay attention to all the talk, so by the time I realize they're giving measurements, I'm not processing the information.


I use the website.


For clothing, I find the website far easier than any onair statistics because I frequently need to compare 2 sizes, and a chart in front of me is the only thing that really helps me.

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

Were I still watching QVC and buying handbags from QVC then yes, I'd want the measurements. That said, on the few occasions I've watched handbags presented, I did hear the measurements given. Most websites of retailers selling handbags do offer them, though I find this is often a weakness with Amazon. Like others, I prefer a picture of someone actually holding the bag. I also find those renderings sometimes posted rather than an actual photo can be rather misleading.

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

@fortune wrote:

Do you want to know what the measurements are when QVC is showing handbags?  I watched an entire Dooney & Bourke show lately, and not one measurement was given either by vendor Sue or QVC host!


Some hosts, like Mary Beth, are really good about giving measurements, others not so much.  It seems that this should be part of a host's initial training!  I don't know why this isn't important to the QVC Powers That Be!




I don’t watch the shows live. I shop online when looking and the bag measurements are listed there. I don’t think I’d purchase a bag without knowing the measurements, though I can tell that many are too large or too small based on how they look on a model.


It surprises me that some hosts neglect to mention the measurements. I think most women find them very important.

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?


Absolutely, when buying on line, I want to know everything about the product: dimensions, kind of leader/fabric, how they look in the models...

Afer my fare share of returning I have learned my lesson 🌻

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

@webbgarner1 wrote:

 @fortune  Yes definitely. Like a lot of you at times I have to take certain medications, blood gucose testing supplies and a light snack plus wallet. I do not like a very large bag, but maybe medium size. I do not like heavy bags. So weight and dimensions is important to me.

Another thing they used to do and have gotton away from is showing the lining of coats, jacts, etc. They do with Basso but  a lot of times not on others. A lot of times the host is just babbling about nothing or spending the entire time on just say color. I know I can go to the website but often the info or picture does not depict information I would like to have.


@webbgarner1  I like to know measurements but also see size on models (even if only on video online) and length of handles to see if it’ll fit on shoulder over a heavy sweater or jacket. I also pack a lot into my bags: prescription glasses in hard case, sunnies, too, protein bar, meds, wallet, small makeup bag w/ just necessities for touch ups, etc. I’m only 5’1” so if crossbody need adjustable strap or bag almost drags on floor.


If bag is not wide enough, everything gets stacked on top of each other and impossible to find....Starting to prefer east/west styles for that reason. My north/south hobos...have to dig to the bottom to find glasses. 


Bags are a very personal like or dislike and each person has different needs. I like to check the B&M stores & have been known to dump out my junk on counter and see how it all fits in bag I’m considering.



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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

I don't understand why they rarely give the measurements, or at least post it twice. I carrya large bag, with medications and medical records too. Then, of course is the wallet, makeup bag, tech stuff (chargers, earphones, etccc). I also carry a small NewTestament. Then there is the agenda, tissues, pens, family photos,

Spare earrings, readers, sunglasses, as well as glasses for distance, and breath mints, and, of course, the ever loving cellphone!

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Re: Do You Want Handbag Measurements?

I want to know.  They don't have to pull out the ruler (always thought that was tacky), but they should state them.  They should also state the weight.  I think showing the bag on a person is the most helpful guide for me, but I still want as much information as possible.

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