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Posts: 136
Registered: ‎04-22-2014

Re: Anybody save and use "vintage" handbags?

I would love a vintage dooney as I collect them but have run out of space.

im sickly so I can't go searching for one.

im happy anyway!

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Registered: ‎07-02-2011

Re: Anybody save and use "vintage" handbags?

Toria08, thank you!  Couldn't for the life of me remember "Ganson," my favorite brand in the 80's, early 90's.  Got them at Nordstrom.  I may still have one or two up in the handbag area of my closet, but haven't felt like exploring.  My ex-husband and my daughter mentioned lately they were both convinced I had always carried Dooneys.  However, I bought my first Dooney back in the mid 80's, in white.  It was a beautiful bag, but a little too small for what I needed to fit in it, with a young child.  I hadn't had it for six months before one of the brass studs came off.  I believe I donated it, and I was so upset that I never bought another Dooney until a couple of years ago.  Mine ALWAYS cave in in a lower corner, no matter what the style.  No matter how I stuff them, it always happens.  Very frustrating.


I loved Bruce Makowsky's bags, but tended to overstuff them, so heavy.  I have a couple of Aimee Kestenbergs I like, but most are just too large.  Who knows when we will be back in the office?  Working remotely, I don't need a handbag!  I have several I haven't used yet.  Gosh, I know there's a beautiful old Perlina in that closet, unused, I believe!  Some Coach, too.  As you noted, the older ones lack an outside pocket, a must for me.


I was just thinking the other day about my beautiful rectangular brown suede Susan Gail bag with the gold satin lining I had in the 70's and regretting for the thousandth time putting it in the giveaway pile.  What an idiot.  It was in perfect condition.