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What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

I know my little hummers will buzz my kitchen window when they arrive, they always do, just wanted to track them. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

Here is a link for tracking ruby throats.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

Thank you...looks like I have about another month, give or take a bit, before they arrive. I so look forward to seeing the little cuties every Spring.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

Here's a link to my thread I started at the end of January with links and info


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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

On 3/18/2015 snickster said:

Thank you...looks like I have about another month, give or take a bit, before they arrive. I so look forward to seeing the little cuties every Spring.

You're welcome, Snickster. We expect to have about a six week wait before they arrive near us. Last year DH marked the date on the calendar of our first sighting, and it was early May. Whenever, it will be a welcome sight when it happens.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

They're buzzing around in Florida. Sipping a Mai Tai and hanging around the pool.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

Thanks for posting this link again. I know I'm early for here on the Plains, but I hung out my hummer feeders yesterday. Hey! a girl can hope! We usually have the most hummers in our yard during Aug-Sept when they're migrating south. Not so much in the spring for some reason.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

Mine started happily sipping (and fighting each other, HA!) at my feeder this week. Can't imagine life without hummingbirds!

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

Still waiting for them in central PA. Last year it was May but I've heard they're earlier this year. Hope to see them soon.

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Re: What is the link to hummingbird's migration back for the summer months, please?

I just looked at the link for the hummers migration and according to it, I better get busy looks like they are reported here already. Those little fellers just might be hungry!