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Re: This happens every year: my rhubarb is trying to commit suidice

Bought a house this winter and inherited a rhubarb plant.Was excited to see it start off with a bang, but the stems never got thicker than 3/4 "and the plant looks droopy now.
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Re: This happens every year: my rhubarb is trying to commit suidice

I just made two rhubarb pies this week from our patch. I had two of those seed stalks. I cut them off with a knife. I also hear you are supposed to pull the stalks, not cut them but I cut them anyway. Our rhubarb patch gets no love since I don't like rhubarb. It comes back every year no problem.

Our Lab never goes near the rhubarb patch. I use separate garden gloves to harvest rhubarb as I understand it is poisonous to other plants or at least that is what I have been told. LM
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: This happens every year: my rhubarb is trying to commit suidice

The stems are okay to eat but the leaves of the plant have higher concentrations of oxalic acid than the stems contain; so avoid the leaves.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼