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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

Hi, @Icegoddess!

I don't know if you'd be interested in this little problem solver, but I've used them to hang my hummingbird feeders from.

It's an ant moat - fill the tiny cup w/ water, & no more ants, so you can skip the Vaseline. Smiley Happy



ant moat.jpg

Muddling through...
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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!


Big Bertha! Smiley Happy


I've got to name my cats! I had the both of them yesterday, taking turns on the hum feeder, (they stand on top of it) as well as the male hummingbird taking his turns! I guess as long as they are sharing....




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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

@sabatini wrote:

Hi, @Harpa, to answer your question, yes, I have had thieves at my hummingbird feeders!


There was a female gilded flicker who'd come to not only eat at the 'big' feeder, but would also try to land on the hummingbird's, as well as the finch's.

I named her Big Bertha. LOL!


Here's a pic of Bertha and a curved bill thrasher.....and one of her trying to nibble from an empty finch feeder:






Poor flicker.  It needs a suet feeder.

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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

LOL, @Icegoddess, in the 1st pic the flicker is pecking at the suet feeder which is hung inside the big feeder!  Smiley LOL

Muddling through...
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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

Oh, I missed the suet feeder.  Love my Woodies.  The Northern Flicker aka Yellowhamer is our state bird.  

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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

@Icegoddess wrote:

Oh, I missed the suet feeder.  Love my Woodies.  The Northern Flicker aka Yellowhamer is our state bird.  

Wow, lucky you! Smiley Happy

Muddling through...
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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

@sabatini wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

Oh, I missed the suet feeder.  Love my Woodies.  The Northern Flicker aka Yellowhamer is our state bird.  

Wow, lucky you! Smiley Happy

Sent our area a female! I get 2 males visiting my peanut pieces tube feeder over the winter!

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

We seem to have a lot of eastern bluebird pairs this year. We have 11 boxes, can't see them all from the house. But they are busy birds.

We have seen a few passing hummers but not steady feeders yet, the coral bells are  starting to bloom, I hope we get them soon.

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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!


I get bluebirds that play on the front lawn & trees, but haven't seen them yet. They are so pretty!


Yesterday I heard the Baltimore "Memorials," a.k.a., Baltimore Orioles. My nephew called them that when he was little. Smiley Happy


I am just letting the catbirds share the hum feeder. Everybody is happy, so now all I have to worry about is Mustache & her family!

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Re: The Nerve of That Catbird!

@Harpa. Kids are so cute with the things they say. Once my GS wanted a toasted cheese sandwich with "home alone cheese" it took me awhile to figure that one out, he meant provolone. He's 12 now but we still call it home alone.

We have orioles that nest in our trees, I put easter grass out every year for them, I could never get them to an Oriole feeder though.

Same with cedar wax wings, just beautiful but elusive.