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Guess  I have to take everything down for a couple of days.   I went out early morning, still dark, and was about to place some birdseed in one tray and to my surprise, a dang rat jumped out..startled both of us.   Besides, the cowbirds have been flocking in for over 2 months now, devouring everything.    I hate to stop feeding,  because the bluebirds are here looking for me every morning,  but this is out of control now.   Sparrows and warblers also taking over.  I just hope if I stop feeding, the bluebirds will return,  as they've been nesting here and had babies.   Gosh, can't anything be simple???

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Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

My niece had a baby rat in her bird feeder too.  She lives in Chicago and I know they were having a problem with the rats. 


Right now I am trying to get rid of all the starlings that have flocked to my bird feeders and scared every other bird away.  I will just feed minimally for a few days, hoping they go some where else.

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Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

[ Edited ]

Grease the pole they can't climb up. My DH does this all the time. It's fun watching squirrels try to get up and fail. It even works on raccoons. He uses axel grease. My DH said not to use when freezing out it will freeze the grease too. We use all spring summer and fall. He gets it at Tractor Supply. Oh DH said on metal pole! 

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Registered: ‎04-05-2010

Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

I never knew this was a problem until they took away the birdfeeders at my mom's assisted living for the same reason. And you know...lot's of residents loved looking outside their windows at the birds..


I'm on a second floor far no problem with rodents!...I'm just still waiting for most of the birds to figure out it's here. Only put it out a couple weeks ago, usually there's more by now...had titmouses, sparrows, a bluejay (once) and a sweet female cardinal that makes me think of my mom. ❤️


As for I'd love to see one on my feeder..never have...but I've had neighbors post FB pics of theirs, same town.


I does seem like "is anything ever easy?!!" lots of times.


As for my bf...he's always trying to outsmart the far the squirrels are always winning and it's comical to watch this ongoing "dilemma"...however he does still get tons of birds too.


I hope you figure it out and get your bluebirds back. That rat sighting would have startled me too, for sure! Good luck!

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Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

That's wildlife for you. We have a pond which attracts possums and the occasional heron. The heron has killed my koi so I chase them off. As far as bird feeders I put food out and get what I get. Whatever is hungry will come in. 

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Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

Hi @Dazlin 


They're all hungry these days I think...


I have an open air cafe' of sorts for the visitors.


A feeding area - out back for all who are hungry... I love the activity, and my spoiled cat Shadow loves watching all the action from the comfort of his plush"kitchen bed"!


I feed ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can get in my yard (concrete patio space in Phila PA) or on our cinderblock fence -


I put out a ton of yummy stuff for them every day - I refill the 2 bowls on the fence with very warm water (several times a day) and will do so all year long. (summertime their water gets ice cubes in it to keep them refreshed).


I have all sorts of visitors - and nightly I feed 2 adorable opossums a variety of apples, chopped dates, peanuts, dried blueberries and coconut flakes - they are appreciative lil cherubs.


ALL are WELCOME in my space - eat drink and be welcomed, is my motto!

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Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

[ Edited ]

If there's one there are more. Sadly, it'll take a while and possibly an exterminator to get rid of them. If there's been nearby construction, the problem is exacerbated by them seeking out a new domain. Years ago I used to feed birds of all kinds, chipmunks, squirrels and so on and had quite the menagerie, but had to gradually phase it out because rats, most likely displaced by nearby development, were making themselves at home. I too welcomed most anything but had to draw the line at rats.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

I gave up on feeding birds about 4 years ago due to drawing more rats to the feeder, than birds.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

@godi wrote:

Grease the pole they can't climb up. My DH does this all the time. It's fun watching squirrels try to get up and fail. It even works on raccoons. He uses axel grease. My DH said not to use when freezing out it will freeze the grease too. We use all spring summer and fall. He gets it at Tractor Supply. Oh DH said on metal pole! 

My FIL used Vaseline. Not kidding.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,762
Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: Rat in my bird feeder😖

@amyb wrote:

I'm on a second floor far no problem with rodents!...I'm just still waiting for most of the birds to figure out it's here. Only put it out a couple weeks ago, usually there's more by now...had titmouses, sparrows, a bluejay (once) and a sweet female cardinal that makes me think of my mom. ❤️



@amyb   The squirrels will find it sooner or later - and create a mess.  I have a first floor condo and my one-time overhead neighbors - a young couple - thought it would be fun to hang a birdfeeder on their deck, which is over mine. Squirrels got into it one day and not only did they have seed all over their deck, but I had it all over my deck and in all of my potted plants - which eventually sprouted.  It spilled through between the floor boards.  So, funtime was over.  They took it down, and I cleaned up my deck and spent the summer weeding grass out of my 15 - 20 potted plants.


All that to say - please be considerate of neighbors below.