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Where I live it's time to plant potatoes.  I'm a little late getting started this year, but hopefully can get everything out in a couple days.


I LOVE ❤️ what we call "New Potatoes" cooked with fresh peas in the spring.  Just wondering if anyone else has set out theirs or any other vegetables so far?

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My Father-in-law planted his potatoes on St. Patrick's Day here in West Texas. They are a lot of work but taste so good. We had new potatoes with green beans. The potatoes were usually dug before the beans got ready to eat, but we patiently waited. My grandmother would pan fry new potatoes with fresh onions from the garden. We could eat all she could make.


Good luck with your garden, @cheriere. I am sure you will enjoy. We can't have a garden in the mountains because of the wildlife. On our mountain nothing is planted before Mother's Day. I have seen snow in June, so sometimes that is too early. 

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@On It   Thank you 😊💝.  I still have to give ALL the credit to my dad though.  I'm not nearly as impactful in a garden as he still is.  Every year we have a festival where you can take things you've grown and canned.  He still wins multiple blue ribbons.


That man can work circles around most young men I see.  We plant our garden here.  Then, he goes to my uncle's and helps him get out all of his stuff.  There's a much larger garden space there too so it's a lot more work.  My aunt, their sister, doesn't garden, but they always grow enough for her family too.

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Still to early in these parts.  Too many bunnies and marauding squirrels anyway.

I DID grow potatoes one year in those large black plastic bags.  Roll down the sides and Poke a few holes in the bottom and put in some soil.  Drop in a couple seed potatoes per bag and cover with more soil.  As the plant grows roll up the sides a bit and fill with more soil.  continue as the plant grows and then when it's time to harvest just slit open the bag and dig for treasure!  It was fun.

AND it MIGHT just confound those little buggers!

Maybe I can find some tater eyes  somewhere and do it again This year.

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@candys mine We buy our planting potatoes at the farm store. You may not have one of those. That is where we bought all our seeds and young plants.


I like your idea. I would love to try it, but the elk would have a quick meal of the plants. We are exploring options. We would need a 7 or 8 foot fence. Maybe a small green house.

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@candys mine   I've never seen that way of planting potatoes before.  What a genius idea!  

I always love pulling up the pants and finding all those good looking potatoes too!  We always separate those especially large, big enough for baking from the rest of the bunch.


I hope you're able to find some so you can grow again.  Because my dad and uncle basically have an entire garden of nothing but potatoes, they always make sure we save some from the year prior.


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Re: Potato Planting Time

[ Edited ]

@On It wrote:

My Father-in-law planted his potatoes on St. Patrick's Day here in West Texas. They are a lot of work but taste so good. We had new potatoes with green beans. The potatoes were usually dug before the beans got ready to eat, but we patiently waited. My grandmother would pan fry new potatoes with fresh onions from the garden. We could eat all she could make.


Good luck with your garden, @cheriere. I am sure you will enjoy. We can't have a garden in the mountains because of the wildlife. On our mountain nothing is planted before Mother's Day. I have seen snow in June, so sometimes that is too early. 

We enjoy the potatoes with green beans too.  Add some fresh green onions and cornbread and I'm all set!  


Although, I do LOVE fresh corn and tomatoes the best, that would be the only way to make the meal even better!  

In the summer, we often have meatless meals.  As long as fresh veggies are plentiful that's all we need.  Well, I do like a ham hock or at least fatback in my green beans, but it's not a dealbreaker.  I can eat them without too.

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Re: Potato Planting Time

[ Edited ]

@cheriere this is so fascinating! What size is your potato...patch (is that what its called)?

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Re: Potato Planting Time

[ Edited ]

@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

@cheriere this is so fscinating! What size is your potato...patch (is that what its called)?

It's about an acre and a half, maybe bigger.  I remember when my grandparents were still alive it was even bigger than now.  Sounds like a lot, but we're essentially growing enough for at least three families and their families.  My aunts grown kids all have enough too.  Potatoes are one thing we don't run out of lol.😂


Yes, potato patch is right.😃

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DH makes new red potatoes with green beans, bacon, onion, seasoning.