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Buck-i-Nana....that is what I was afraid it would be, guess that's why I have put it off so long. Guess my weekend will be taken up with working on that thing. UGH!! I can imagine being all scratched up by the time I am half way done. Thanks for responding so quickly.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Registered: ‎09-28-2010
On 9/26/2014 snickster said:

Buck-i-Nana....that is what I was afraid it would be, guess that's why I have put it off so long. Guess my weekend will be taken up with working on that thing. UGH!! I can imagine being all scratched up by the time I am half way done. Thanks for responding so quickly.

Oh yeah, really scratched up! You do need to cut it back before you attempt to divide, so it might still be a bit too early in the season to do it. You'll want to wait until it has browned off. My neighbor used a hatchet to divide his, but swinging a hatchet is too difficult for me and my arthritis!

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Registered: ‎07-28-2012

Yeah, I can't swing a hatchet either, for the same reason. So, if I can get this done at all...can I replant a portion of the original back in the original spot/hole? Or do I need a whole new location? Also, would soaking it in well with water make it easier or just messier? TIA

"To each their own, in all things".
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,958
Registered: ‎09-28-2010
On 9/26/2014 snickster said:

Yeah, I can't swing a hatchet either, for the same reason. So, if I can get this done at all...can I replant a portion of the original back in the original spot/hole? Or do I need a whole new location? Also, would soaking it in well with water make it easier or just messier? TIA

I replanted a piece in the original location. I worked the soil and added some compost and it has done fine.

I had thought about getting it good and wet as well, and honestly, I didn't see it made much difference in the difficult level which was strictly because of the strength and density of the roots. I tried the soaking after struggling with my first one.

Funny thing, I guess you either love ornamental grass or you hate it. I couldn't give away any of my divided plants! I love it, so I now have lots of ornamental grass in my back yard, especially around my above ground pool. It doesn't attract bees or any insects really and it works so well at camouflaging the pool equipment!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,080
Registered: ‎07-28-2012

I took your advice Buck-i-Nana, and am waiting a couple more weeks. Thanks for all your help with this "project".

"To each their own, in all things".