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Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: My morning surprise…..

@Harpa wrote:

Ah! I'm sorry, too, @violann ! It could be any hungry critter...deer? gopher?


'Twas like that for me when I lovingly planted crocus bulbs in the fall and patiently waited for months. Shoots were popping up in late winter, promising the most lovely flowers. Came out one day and poof! They were all gone! Every single last one of them.


My neighbor's cherry trees can't get an edge, either. All that's left are sticks with no leaves. I know it's the deer that keep eating the leaves.


Maybe an ultrasonic pest repellent would help?


I would prefer a shotgun, but it's illegal where I live. 

One year I planted hundreds of crocus bulbs on my front lawn, and I was so delighted when in late winter, their little heads were popping up over the snow. The next year--nothing. Those little b a s t a r d s ---squirrels--had eaten them all.