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My basil planted in a tall pot on my deck was over foot tall - 3 plants. Today there are three 6” stalks with 2 leaves. Could slugs Gabe worked so quickly? I suspect rabbits but can they go that tall?
What a battle!
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Sad to hear your basil is gone.  With me, it's the rubber grommets for my water wiggler in my bird bath.  For some odd reason, the squirrels seem to like them!  They chew them off of the wire holder!

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@Twins Mom  Wow, sorry to hear that.  It smells so good!  I've never had that happen.  It could be slugs.  Could you look it up on the internet.  I know when the tomato worms get going they can destroy overnight.  Good luck!

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎04-30-2010

Last year I had two huge, thriving tomatoe plants on my deck.  Went out one morning and they were one inch stalks.  For us, it was the pack rats.

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If the basil was in a tall pot, it seems unlikely the culprit was a rabbit.  However, I have seem a rabbit standing on its hind legs to get at one of my potted plants.  After that, I put the pot on a stand that raised it 8" to 10" - out of the rabbits' reach.  Could deer have eaten your basil?

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Could be deer but unlikely because it’s on a deck a couple feet off ground with limited access points.
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Re: My Basil is Gone

[ Edited ]

@Twins Mom 

Rats can and do eat all sorts of stuff. And they are good climbers.  They used to eat some of my favorite herbs, including basil.


Just fyi, so far they've left the summer savory alone.  It's been a few years and no damage.  It's in the ground.  Great herb!

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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My guess is rabbits.  They have destroyed my flowers.

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Maybe squirrels.  I had my tomato plant flowers potted on a table and moved the chairs far away from the table.  Caught them in the act "flying" from the chairs to the table. Moved the chairs farther away but it was already too late.


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My guess, groundhogs

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