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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

I put up my three feeders early this year, since we were home, but haven't had a single hummer.  By now, we usually have some "regulars."  It has been colder than usual.

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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

@FastDogWalker2, we're experiencing the same thing. We have 3 feeders but have only had one or two hummers so far. I'm in the St. Louis area and it's been much cooler than normal and very rainy for weeks, so that is probably the reason.

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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

@NickNack wrote:

@Mimi 1883   I'm so glad you got it!  Let me know how you like it.

@NickNack  The first visitor to the new feeder was a squirrel, of course. 🙄  For now, we have it hanging on a Shepard's hook, but will need to buy/build an inverted L-type post - The squirrel was able to hang on this pole by his feet, then grab the round ring with one paw while reaching inside one of the holes to grab the food.


Only one cardinal showed up and he would not fly up to the feeder, but walked around underneath pecking around for any seeds and then left. There were only a couple of other birds eating, but not many and they didn't stay long either. Strangely, even the squirrel didn't stay and usually they stay and gorge on the seeds. I don't know why so few showed up, or why the cardinal would not use the perch. 

We'll see how tomorrow goes...Maybe they just have to get used to this feeder. 🤷‍♀️

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

@Mimi 1883 wrote:

@Nataliesgramma  You're lucky you can feed the hummingbirds. We've tried several times, but between the ants and the bees we just can't.  We do have flowers that they seem to like, so at least they're around to enjoy. The same thing with birds feeders - too many squirrels. The poor birds sit in the trees and watch the squirrels gorge on "their" food. 


@Mimi 1883 

If you can't feed the hummers perhaps you can plant a few Crocosmia Lucifer plants.  Hummers and bees love them and they are perennials that come back every year.  We just planted 3 Crocosmias and hope they bloom soon.  We put our feeder up a few days ago.  Live in PA and it has been so cold and rainy here for past several weeks.   


"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

Also if you get a Fushia hanging basket....the hummmers love those!


I see them going to that more than the feeders.....

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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

@Mimi 1883 wrote:

@NickNack wrote:

@Mimi 1883   I'm so glad you got it!  Let me know how you like it.

@NickNack  The first visitor to the new feeder was a squirrel, of course. 🙄  For now, we have it hanging on a Shepard's hook, but will need to buy/build an inverted L-type post - The squirrel was able to hang on this pole by his feet, then grab the round ring with one paw while reaching inside one of the holes to grab the food.


Only one cardinal showed up and he would not fly up to the feeder, but walked around underneath pecking around for any seeds and then left. There were only a couple of other birds eating, but not many and they didn't stay long either. Strangely, even the squirrel didn't stay and usually they stay and gorge on the seeds. I don't know why so few showed up, or why the cardinal would not use the perch. 

We'll see how tomorrow goes...Maybe they just have to get used to this feeder. 🤷‍♀️



@Mimi 1883   I've honestly never heard anyone say a squirrel could get to the feeder.  I do think you should change the pole though.  I get my poles at Wild Bird Unlimited.  I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy the birds.  They'll start coming though.  Are you feeding sunflower seeds?

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

[ Edited ]

@NickNack wrote:

@Mimi 1883 wrote:

@NickNack wrote:

@Mimi 1883   I'm so glad you got it!  Let me know how you like it.

@NickNack  The first visitor to the new feeder was a squirrel, of course. 🙄  For now, we have it hanging on a Shepard's hook, but will need to buy/build an inverted L-type post - The squirrel was able to hang on this pole by his feet, then grab the round ring with one paw while reaching inside one of the holes to grab the food.


Only one cardinal showed up and he would not fly up to the feeder, but walked around underneath pecking around for any seeds and then left. There were only a couple of other birds eating, but not many and they didn't stay long either. Strangely, even the squirrel didn't stay and usually they stay and gorge on the seeds. I don't know why so few showed up, or why the cardinal would not use the perch. 

We'll see how tomorrow goes...Maybe they just have to get used to this feeder. 🤷‍♀️



@Mimi 1883   I've honestly never heard anyone say a squirrel could get to the feeder.  I do think you should change the pole though.  I get my poles at Wild Bird Unlimited.  I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy the birds.  They'll start coming though.  Are you feeding sunflower seeds?

@NickNack  Yes, we're changing out the pole in to inverted L-type post with the top part being long enough so squirrels can't hang on the pole with their back feet and reach the hole in the feeder for their front paws. Yes, we're using sunflower seeds. Will definitely check into Wild Bird for different poles. Also purchased an 18" baffle to put at the top of the feeder as well. We'll make it work! Thank you!

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...

[ Edited ]


This is our hummingbird nest. There are two baby birds in it. This is the second year that she has come back.
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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...


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Re: Male and Female Hummingbirds...
