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@Dazlin   How did your Lilies of the Valley do?  Maybe I missed it, but didn't see the finale!


I am in Central Florida and I have 2 Daffidils about 2" high!  Never tried them...hope they bloom!


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@Zhills , I ordered 3 , they started out good.  But verrry delicate to plant.  I kept them in a large pot, partially shaded.  They like moist soil, etc. I did everything i was supposed to.   Unfortunately they died one  by one.  

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I haven't any luck with bulbs, such as hyacinths, tulips, or daffodils.   My lilies do well.

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I have a stand of Lily of the Valley in my rock garden.  If you can get them started they will spread.  I have pretty bad rocky heavy clay soil. There is a sprinkler system in the garden, but I wouldn't say it keeps the soil moist, so maybe yours were overwatered.  


Can't grow Bleeding Heart to save my life though.

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I've read about bleeding heart being difficult to grow. 

My former neighbor had a huge one on an arbor type wall and he never did anything to it and it bloomed all the time.  So pretty. 


I decided it was not for me even thought I do like them.

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@Zhills and @Dazlin  I spent the day digging out Lily of the Valley from places they were not supposed to be. In our neck of SE Pennsylvania, they can be insidious! Mine came from my grandmother and are at least 100 years old. White and purple. They love shady and wet locations, like forests, the north side of houses, and just wooded areas. I love the fragrance! BTW, they are poisonous, so be careful with children and pets.

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I love Lily of the valley. Reminds me of the property I grew up on.  I just gave some to my new neighbour to plant along with geranium, Solomon's Seal and carnations.


The Lily of the valley has the best smell!  LM

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My Lily of the Valley are in full bloom right now.  My bed of them is about 20 years old and continues to spread every year. 


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My grandmother had them too.  Long Island N.Y.  They're a northern plant,  but I wanted to try here in Florida.   I had to order them because they're not sold here, so that tells me something.   Anyway, too bad mine didn't take. 

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We have many Lily of the Valley. I never planted them so they must have been here forty years ago when we bought the house. Our Bleeding Hearts bloom and are beautiful every year. I think my FIL planted them when he lived with us.