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I was admiring a jade plant at a bed-and-breakfast I stayed in last year. I just bought a small jade plant for myself today. I’ve read several articles online about how to care for them but wanted to ask if anyone has first-hand experience or any tips. Thanks in advance!
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@Natureluvr congratulations on your jade plant. I had one for many years and it got very large. Here's a few tips:


They like indirect sunlight. ...
Water sparingly. ... don't overwater
Use a pot with good drainage. ...
Fertilize only once a year. ...
Repot every few years. ...

Good luck with it. 

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I have had mixed luck with mine over the years, some grow so huge that they are heavy and bend over all the way down into the pot, some dont live that long to grow long. 

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♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Natureluvr  I have a jade plant that I've had for 2 years now- my biggest tip is to not overwater it and to keep it in partial sunlight.  I give it a little squirt of Miracle Grow succulent plant food every month. I let it do it's thing and it seems really happy Smiley Happy

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I had some small jade plants that turned into really large plants. Be careful what you wish for LOL!


When we moved to a condo I gave them to a neighbor who was in love with them because they were so heavy and I couldn't bear to risk hurting them.


They were very easy to take care of, and I agree with everyone's tips above re light, no overwatering and fertilizer. I only fertilized with diluted fish emulsion, and they seemed to love it.


My tip is that you can make starts for new plants using a leaf from the existing plant. You might check out youtube for videos on how to do it correctly - I'm sure my way of just sticking a leaf into a container with potting soil is not the recommended way to do it, even though I always had great luck. Woman Very Happy 

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Registered: ‎02-13-2024

I bought a Jade plant from Amazon in early December. It's going strong. I forget to water it and that is a good thing since it don't need much Woman LOL, I still have it in the container it came in. I finally found a pretty pot, so I will transfer soon.

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Posts: 992
Registered: ‎06-14-2018
Thanks for the tips everyone! I really appreciate it 🪴😊