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DD gave me a fuschia plant for Mother's Day. It is growing with hundreds of buds, it seems to me, and they never open. I cannot understand why. It is in the sun, gets watered, looks healthy. Any idea for me to use would be appreciated, TIA!Smile


"Cats are like potato chips, you can never have just one".
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Fuchsias are more of a shade loving plant by us. Try putting it into some shady area and see if the buds open.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Mama Mia, I may know what your problem is. My late sister taught me this, as she loved Fushias. When a fushia plant blooms, there is the soft part with the petals. When the flower is done, it dries/drops off. You are left with a hard part of the flower, when if left on the plant, it will grow to develop seeds and the plant will not bloom. Are the "buds" that you are referring to hard? If they are, they are seed heads forming. These must be picked off the plant in order to tell the plant it is time to rebloom. If left on, your plant will not bloom again. I have upright fushia plants in my garden this summer. They were in full, beautiful bloom when I bought them, now, they are doing nothing. I have diligently picked off these seed heads that form under the fushia flower petals, so that isn't the problem. I went to Home Depot and bought Miracle Gro blooming plant food. You mix it with water and water the plants. I fed mine twice this week, and wee buds are forming. Hope this helps you, as fuchsias are amoung the most beautiful flowers in the world. I think they look like ladies earrings! Smile

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They need a lot of moisture...I mist mine almost every day.

Make sure they don't dry out and partial shade/sun is ideal.

They are prone to spider mites, which will kill the buds. Moisture cuts down on the mites.

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I agree with everyone here. My fuchsias love the morning sun and the afternoon shade.

Rosehill has great advise regarding the buds versus the seed pods. The only thing that I would add is the shape. The new buds forming usually are tapered and pointy at the end. The seed pods are more flat and don't come to a point at the end.

Good luck to you! I just love fuchsias!

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Fuschia plants are also heavy feeders.

I feed mine with every watering - diluted fertilizer...but this keeps it steady.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hi to all of you, and please accept my apologies for not getting back to you! Your suggestions sound very good, and I will move it into some shade, and also check the seed pods etc. In fact, we have a pergola in the back where we have some hanging baskets of wave petunias, and we will hang it there. I love the thought of them looking like ladies drop earrings, and they do.

So I am going to try them all, we put Miracle Gro on last week, but it was just the regular. I just know it will bloom soon, actually because it is covered in red looking buds, it is very pretty now.!Smile


"Cats are like potato chips, you can never have just one".