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About 7 or 8 years ago, I read somewhere that the shrub Fothergilla Mount Airy had beautiful Fall colour.  I bought one and planted it.  Every year after it was very ho hum.  This year it finally hit it's stride.  Simply lovely.  The photo doesn't do it justice.  Thankfully, I planted it right below my living room window so it is up front and pretty!


What are your most colourful shrubs?  LM




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Yellow Lantana  & Boston Ivy in the Autumn when the leaves turn.

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@Flatbush , just had a look at yellow lantana.  So pretty!  

I tend to stay away from the vine like plants.  I have a neighbour whose entire backyard has been taken over with ivy.  LM

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Re: Fothergilla

[ Edited ]

We didn't have a long or very colorful experience this year, but the flowering dogwood was pretty (and the pennisetum grass at the bottom):



Cogito ergo sum
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I have Fothergilla and sometimes they do turn lovely fall colors, but my favorite is the Crimson King Maple tree that has maroon leaves and turns varying shades of red in the Fall.  

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@Sweetbay magnolia , aren't the dogwoods beautiful in the fall?  That on top of being gorgeous when in flower.


i have a Satomi and in the last couple of years I added two Kousa Cornus.  LM

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@Foxxee , the red maples are lovely.  I have several Bloodgood and one very beautiful a Crimson Lace.  I am losing some of my very old trees to wind damage but those are doing great.  LM

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I have a ginko tree in my front yard that turns bright yellow in the fall.  The leaves drop off that tree all at once.

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@DiAnne , I planted witch hazel trees (2) for the first time this Fall.  Interesting looking.  Their leaves are yellow also.  LM

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I have several fothergilla in my yard. Along our chimney side of the house we have 2 ‘Beaver Creek’ fothergilla & in our backyard we have a non cultivar fothergilla. They are changing their colors now, but this year the colors aren’t as yellow/orange. They are a muddy red this year.


Neighbors across the street have ginkos on their utility strip & below them in the street is a swath of golden yellow leaves. 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼