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@tl98466    I love clematis and have serveral plants.  I don't think it will survive in my part of the country with out being planted into the ground.

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@Mom2Dogs  Clematis is a perennial for me here in NC, but unless it is modified to tolerate your climate, I doubt it would survive an Ohio winter. If in a pot, and sheltered inside a garage or greenhouse, it likely would survive your winter. I have two and cut them back in the fall. New sprouts come out in the spring. I have one blooming now that is absolutely gorgeous.


I also have asian jasmine. For me it is always green but can be invasive. It has a lovely white flower on it, although mine has not flowered for some time now.


Carolina jasmine has a yellow, bell-shaped flower in the spring, and it also can be invasive. I don't know how either of these jasmines would do in Ohio over the winter.


I bring my mandevillas into the garage over the winter here, and we have mild winters for the most part.


I suggest you visit a local flower or garden shop and ask them about a perennial vine. I have found that buying locally insures that the plants will grow well in my climate.

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@tl98466 wrote:

How about a clematis? They come in lots of colors Smiley Happy Though designed to be planted in the ground, I've had one in a pot for a few years. 



lol, I was going to suggest the same thing!  I have a lovely purple clematis.  It grows so lush and full, I had to cut it back some this past fall.

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@cheriere     @KLm    I have several clematis plants but they will not survive the winter in a pot where I live .  I am hoping to get to a nursery this weekend to see what I can find.  thanks!


My clematis bloom and then I cut them back and they rebloom.  I just love them!

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I love ❤️ my clematis too.  I've always thought them to be one of the prettiest flowers.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to help regarding a vining floral.  I have some indoor vining plants, but they do not flower.