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Re: Construction all finished

@Lilysmom Oooh, how nice!

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Re: Construction all finished

Very nice!!  Did you do all of that by yourself???  Wow...

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Posts: 20,222
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Re: Construction all finished

Gosh I like what you do. Are you young? Like under 40. I only say that because I'd love landscaping like yours but could no longer maintain it.

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Re: Construction all finished

[ Edited ]

@Lilysmom------Are you in New Foundland or PEI?  I forgot. 
   Do you know of the little town of Dil++ in New Foundland?  Jimmy Kimmel learned of it last week and talked to several folk there. He is now running for Mayor and sent Guilliermo, his sidekick on the comedy show, for this whole week!!!----tedEbear 

            The new construction is wonderful!!!!!!!!

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Re: Construction all finished

@KatieB @AuntG  Thank you!  We did not do this ourselves. There is already a deck at the waterfront.  We had this other section I wanted to improve.  My main issue was improving walkability of the waterfront section of our property.  We made a five foot wide pathway between the decks and used remaining stone steps left over from another job.


DH added easier access to the other deck.  Hard to see but these steps are 2 1/2’ wide by 2’ deep.  The before was stepping stones down a slight slope.  This is easier.


The lakefront is surrounded by trees so it is hard to get a photo out of the shadows during some parts of the day.


I am 64.  My garden is my gym in summer.😊. LM



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Re: Construction all finished

@tedEbear I am in Nova Scotia, one of the four Atlantic Provinces on the east coast (of which Newfoundland is one).


Alrhough I don’t live in Newfoundland, I spent a lot of time there in my work life.  It is a beautiful place in summer, rugged and/or bucolic depending on which coast you visit.  The west coast borders the warm waters of the Gulf of St Lawrence and has a rich verdant coastline.  The northeast coast borders the Atlantic Ocean and can be windswept and barren in places.  Both coasts are places of striking scenery.  The place you mention is on the northeast coast in Trinity Bay.  Dil**is located on Iceberg Alley.


Small world!  LM

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Re: Construction all finished

Those steps are nice and big, making walking up them easy. I can see everything is a work of love. You certainly get enough fresh air and exercise.

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Posts: 6,162
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Construction all finished

How unique. Enjoy your special space

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Construction all finished

@LilysmomSimply lovely, just my type of serenity !!!!!