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Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

I've got rosemary and lavender blooming and the buds on the freesia are so fat, I think they'll open up next week.


I love this time of year ... local garden centers in my area should start stocking up soon.

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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

I think my plants are showing signs of life outside. Cherry tree looks like it is reviving. Can't wait till spring !!!!!!

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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

We are having snow flurries, BLAH,, and it is actually sticking to the grass and roads, DOUBLE BLAH!

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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

[ Edited ]

Our azaleas are blooming, buds on the dogwood trees and Bradford Pears, and Chinese Elms are beginning to leaf.  Spring has sprung!

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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?


♥Surface of the Sun♥
Posts: 51
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

I am so lucky to have cineraria plants come up each year from original plants from my mom's garden over 50 years ago.  They come up in all shades of purple, blue and pink.  I have to be careful and cut the blooms before they go to seed otherwise I literally have hundreds of small plants everywhere the next year!  But well worth whatever I need to do.  It signals "spring" to me each year. 

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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

Puschkinia is up and blooming -- a minor bulb and with our recent warm weather, I saw a dandelion in bloom on our utility strip! 😡

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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All I have are some clumps of snowdrops, which unfortunat...

All I have are some clumps of snowdrops, which unfortunately got snowed on this afternoon.  Sigh.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

My chives are growing and at least 10 inches tall already.  I also have weeds coming up in my vegetable garden.


My hyacinths are coming up in my front yard, but not blooming yet.  It is very cold here in PA today.

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Re: Anything Blooming In Your Yard?

Hellebros are blooming.  I noticed the daffodils, tulips and iris are peeking though.  I am going to a plant sale next week at the botanical garden.