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Another question; this time a tree

My daughter sent me this pic and asked if I know what this tree is, I'm not sure. Anyone know? She lives in Virginia, if that helps. Thanks.

amys tree.jpg

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Re: Another question; this time a tree

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Not sure but it looks like a Red Dogwood tree.

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Re: Another question; this time a tree

Could it be a Dogwood?

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Re: Another question; this time a tree

Definitely a red or dark pink dogwood. 

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Re: Another question; this time a tree

My neighbor has one of these red dogwoods in her yard. We are in Virginia too! 

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Re: Another question; this time a tree

@Lori Kaye, @Perkup, @gracie2014, @Silver Fox1

Thank you all. That is what I thought it was, but wasn't sure.


"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Another question; this time a tree

It is truly beautiful!

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Re: Another question; this time a tree

This is an American dogwood as opposed to a Kousa dogwood.


American dogwoods get flowers first then leaves. Kousas are the opposite -- leaves first then flowers.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Another question; this time a tree

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But looking at the bracts -- there should be 4 on a dogwood not the possible 5-6 as seen in your photo. I'm pretty sure it's a dogwood, can you get a photo straight on of the flower? 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Another question; this time a tree

Thanks @JustJazzmom, I'll ask her is she can get a straight on photo.
"To each their own, in all things".