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A touch of Spring

[ Edited ]

The crocus and Heath are adding some welcome Spring colour.  

The beavers have also been busy.  The downed tree is an oak and the path to the lake has their debarked sticks waiting for pickup!  


My girlfriend and I are on a day trip to the Valley to hit the garden centers tomorrow.  S



















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@Lilysmom1   Lovely photos.....I am envious!    Discovered my cement bird bath bowl had a big crack in it.    Looked on Amazon, but they only had plastic foam I found an old beverage tray in the garage to use.   Gotta make a trip to a garden center myself, to see if I can find something more suitable.    Lots of crows around here, and I need something for BIG birds.    di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Desertdi , I wonder if you can repair the crack?  If not, turn it into a planter.  I have done both.  

Finally warming up in the 60's, perfect weather for garden center hopping!  I have been known to be in garden centers in April when it has been snowing lol.  When April hits, we are outside!  S

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@Lilysmom1 wrote:

@Desertdi , I wonder if you can repair the crack?  If not, turn it into a planter.  I have done both.  

Finally warming up in the 60's, perfect weather for garden center hopping!  I have been known to be in garden centers in April when it has been snowing lol.  When April hits, we are outside!  S

@Lilysmom1    I think I will end up with the planter suggestion...(thank you!)...and get a whole new birdbath.   THIS one is REALLY's very pretty, and I don't want to see it "go" altogether.  di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Desertdi , I put several different kinds of succulents in hens and chicks.  The shallow planting with those does well and, surprisingly, they survive winter here just fine, although I don't think you have that concern.  S

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29961CAD-179E-4FAC-B465-A7B9146DD0F9.jpegMy tulips are out!  I so love this time of year. Your pictures of your garden and surroundings are beautiful. 

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@Lilysmom1    @godi  Thanks so much for the photos of the beautiful Spring flowers.  I have nothing in my yard.  Satomi, I bet the garden center people roll out the red carpet FOR YOU.  Your flowers are so pretty. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@godi What a beautiful color!!!  Tulips are a bit away for us.  Daffodils are about 4" now so will be in bloom soon.  I love to see the garden wake up!  S